Ed Cipher

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Name: Ed Cipher
Age: 19 (well probably a few thousand years)
Details: Ed is a very open guy who loves cookies and night time very much.He often laughs EVERY SINGLE TIME but it depends (also has humor problems).He is sort of related to the Ciphers but not accurately.
Demon type: Pure Demon (no wonder he laughs so easily) And a Night Keeper     
(demons that go out at night and do there usual stuff and thingz)
Likes: COOKIES, Night time, pine trees, swords, and his own power which is just horrifying for me to describe...
Dislikes: ginger (yea he is picky when it comes to food) and dats it
Pet: Moon The Wolf/ The Night Hound
Weapon: Cane Swords ( an ice one too)
Looks: Silver hair, Bright blue eyes, And a very respectable suit he wears (for the night of course)
Height: About 7 feet
Favorite Family Member/s: EVERYONE!!!

Well thats about actually so hope you enjoyed that and pls feel free to comment and stay awesome.
Okay gotta sleep now with my cat on my face cuz its fwuffy as HELL!!!
*doses of quickly*

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