Chapter 12

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Lauren's POV

I woke up and checked my phone. I had one text from Matt 

Matt 😘😘😘 - good morning princess be ready for a date dress casual 

I texted back saying good morning.

After that I took a shower, straitened my hair and did my makeup. When I finished getting ready I heard the doorbell. 

Matt was standing there

M-you look gorgeous 

L-you don't look too bad yourself 

We went to a little cafe 30 min away. It wasn't crowded or common so none of his fans interrupted us. After the date we just went back to my house and watched movies and cuddled for the rest of the day. We only got up to eat. 

Matt's POV 

I really hope she liked the date. I just don't want to disappoint her. I will never cheat on her like Nash did after what he did to her I don't look at him the same even if he says it wasn't him I don't know if I believe him. If I were her I wouldn't even be friends with that asshole. 


-Comment any ideas you have for the book. 

It makes me so sad to see people hating on Jacob and Mark. People also make fun of people who aren't even famous. If that's your main priority then that's so low.


The guy (Nash Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora