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Just so you all know, there is likely to bit a very low level of lemon in this prologue. Oh, and there may be a plan to include some near the end of the book as well, but that's about twenty or so chapters away :P

I also plan to write shorter chapters, just so I can get updates out quicker. :) How does having around 1000-1500 words rather than 3000 words sound to you all? :P

Also, just so your readers know, I got one term from either on wattpad, or, and I thought of adding it to this book. :) I will explain it at the end of this part! :P

Anyway - I hope you all enjoy my first #Junick4LIFE fanfiction!! :D


It was a dreamy sunrise over Zootopia. Crime levels are as low as they have ever been And are almost impossible to rise for quite a while. If you looked further up the mountain, you would be able to see a mansion. The highest, hillside mansion that overlooked Zootopia from afar. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, as the sun shines into the view from the lounge.

The sun rays begin to slowly drift into a bedroom, where you could find two animals laying in a bed. These were an unlikely match of animals though, as one was coloured red, the other grey. The sheets had all bed discarded towards the foot of the bed, as these two lovers were sprawled out, their legs and arms wrapped around each other, only in their underwear. The sunlight didn't seem to bother them, but it did make the grey animal tighten their grip slightly on the bigger, red animal. The animal appeared to have a small, cotton-like ball of fur for a tail, whilst the other one has a long, fluffy and thicker tail.

As the sunlight begins to sweep it's way through the corridors and through windows throughout the house, spreading towards many extra rooms and bedrooms, one being a room with two large cribs. Each in pink and blue, containing three unique little bundles of fur, each with their own style of colouring, with the colours of the mother and the father.

As the sunlight brightens, the two animals in the bed become clearer, but are different in size. And are visibly different species. More specifically - A rabbit and a fox. On their paws, are two gold rings, with diamonds lined all along the visible edges. The fox appears to wake up first, noticing the bunny lying face first on the left side of his chest. He doesn't feel like moving, for the sight of the bunny gives him a very strong feeling in his chest, as he wraps his arm around her lovingly.

Another perfectly beautiful morning. He thinks to himself. He is not referring to the sight out of the window, but the sight before his very eyes. As he smiles at the sleeping beauty before him, he looks around, enjoying the peace and quiet around him. A picture sits perfectly in view through the bedroom door, as it hangs on the lounge wall opposite the television.

After a couple of minutes, the bunny wakes up, caressing his chest as she looks up at him, as he looks down.

"Morning, my love." She says softly, as she slides her hand over the fox's chest. A calm and loving conversation takes place, as they get closer to a morning kiss, until they hear muffled screams from the next room. They both wake up from their morning slumber, as the rabbit drags herself out of the bed, only to be caught in the arms of the fox.

"Judy," The fox calls to her, stopping her for a moment. 'Judy' looks back at him, and gives him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Let's go together then." Judy says, trying to drag him behind her, out of the bed. "Come on Nicky, stop playing. Our kips need us right now."

"Okay Cottontail, I'm right behind ya." Mumbles Nick, or more actually, Nicholas, who was in the process of yawning as he sat up. They both put on some robes and head to the room where their kips are, or were sleeping peacefully. They begin to take care of them whilst their new day begins.

Time Skip: Three Hours Later...

Judy was walking along side her husband, Nick, who was carrying two of their kips in a special baby carrier on his back as she had the third in their other two seated stroller. The animals around them looked at them in respect and admiration, for their most unusual family. The park was a perfect green. With animals taking the time to bring out a rug and have a picnic or a tan.

After a short while, they arrive at their designated spot in the park. No one is around, leaving the family with a quiet, empty field sized patch of land. Well, there was a reason for this lack of animals. It was their first anniversary as a married couple. And Judy didn't know that Nick had a surprise for her....

A surprise that she never expected at all.


I bet you're wondering how all this is happening ... Well, let's take a closer look. The bunny, is Judith Laverne Wilde, the wife of a fox, Nicholas Piberius Wilde. Their children, are just as uniquely named, as they are coloured.

Allura Wilde, a young bunny, with grey fur, the body of a kit, but with slightly longer fox ears, and a smaller, bunny tail version of a foxes tail. She bears an orange mark just behind her ears and a faint bit of orange on the tip of her tail.

Jason Wilde, born a pup, but with the ears a mixture of looks from a rabbit, but colour of a fox. He has a fluffy, white chest, like his mother, with a white tipped, red tail. He has pure, crystal blue eyes, which was something that had surprised his parents just as much as they did to the doctors.

Hazelle Wilde, a young fox cub, with ears just over half the height of a bunnies, but red in colour, like her father. She has the white fluffy stomach and chest of her mother, whilst she has a shorter fox tail, with the fluffiness of a bunnies.

The three kips, a mix of a kit and a pup, are probably the cutest babies you have ever seen in Zootopia. But I bet you're thinking - "how did it all come down to this amazing future?"

Well, let's head back a year or two... to three weeks after they had solved the night howler incident.

Right when they were beginning to feel something stronger than friendship.


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