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Shaking... Yep shaking woke me this fine 3:20 morning. My house was shaking. I scrambled out of bed trying to find my way to my parents they were making they're way to me too. I furrowed my eye brown in confusion.
"What's happing mum" I yelled there was noises I was so out of it. I was never a morning person but through me in a situation at 3 in the morning with a problem with a sleep deprived me and I was useless.and what was the shaking about.
"Earth quake we need to get out NOw" my dad yelled. mum grabbed my hand and we scurried down the stairs towards the door I could Hear things crashing down to the ground. We ran to hide under the door way. apparently this is what your supposed to do? I really don't have a clue it's 3 in the morning all I'm thinking about is my dream. why was lady gaga lap dancing Harry styles while playing the triangle and singing drop it like it's hot. Ahh I love that commercial the sun drop one hah. ahh drop it like it's hot drop it like it's hot. I replayed in my head. focus Ellie! Shaking! House! Bad! Ugh Im seriously coffee deprived.

I'm gonna look like uderly shit tomorrow my bags are gonna be even bigger than Norma. my thoughts were rudely interrupted my the sound of a tree came crashing into my house and landing around 10 feet from where my family stood. I gasped and my mum let out a squeal. well I guess I won't be returning to bed anytime soon I sighed. the shaking finally stopped.

"Out now!" My dad bellowed at us. we ran out of the house we stood in our from yard to watch the home I've lived in my whole life crumble from the impact. To my displeasure it looked like over 20 people were already circling my yard. yay everyone can see my life crumbling down with my house! joy! ha no. I looked around the crowed to see who I spotted. my heart sped up a best in compleat embarrassment when I stopped Tyler Williams standing in the crowd with his two suck ass friends. I suddenly became very self conscious about my sleeping attire. a Lovley pair off shorts that were probably more revealing than they should be. Paired with a lovely crop top with. Miney mouse on it. my hair was in a weir side ways messy bun thing sense I've been sleeping for like 6 hours.

I was suddenly embarrassed with someone's hug. Rosalyn. "Oh my god! Are you okay? What happened? this is bad!? Is that a tree!" "shut up" I half joked. "I'm fine" I reassured rosa. "and if you didn't notice a tree is now so nicely placed in my bed room" I sneared not trying to sound bitchy but I was tired and not exactly happy.
"Well looks like Tyler's and the ass suckers are enjoying your crop top" rosa joked

"What? why are you talking about I questioned? " She nodded her head towards the three boys. and sure enough they're eyes were glued to me. a smirk spread across Tyler's face when his eyes met mine. The ass whole had the nerve to wink at me!

I huffed and tired around, to see my mum talking to a middle agreed woman who had black hair tired into a pony tail. my mum hugged her and turned to my dad and I. she had a very wide grin on her face . I raised an eye brow at her questioning how she could be so happy at a time like this. our house, our, lives out memories our everything!

"Guys Mary Is a friend from high school of mine and she is willing to let us stay at our home until we figure out where to stay otherwise"
I smiled widely wanting to go and smother this woman in my arms. my dad on the other hand didn't look so happy.

"That's very generous but we can't intrude like that!" He insisted
"We insist and would be insulted if you stayed anyone's place" Mary pleaded.

We arrived at the Williams home soon sense we didn't have anything to pack. the house was a compleat mansion! Full out Manson! I stood out side of the car in compleat surprise and dazed!

"Honey lets go" my dad patted my back. Mary and her husband Aaron stood in the door way looking very inviting. my mum introduced us all.
Mary took me in for a hug. "Oh Ellie your so gorgeous" she gushed. "my son loves pretty girls like you" she joked and winked, she had a son oh no what if he was someone I knew this would be hell. "and here he comes" Arron commented when we heard the door shut and the shuffling sound of feet. I held my breath as in walked. the Tyler Williams himself.

"Fuck" I whispered when we met eyes.


Hello hello hello! I'm currently on a holiday so I've been trying to write as much as possible! But you know I kinda have a life when I'm away. Sadly shopping eww I know! Well this is a longer chapter and the story is off! Ahh Ellie's stuck with the schools bad boy heart breaker who fuck hards not falls in love! Any predictions? Comment vote fan love you all! <3

-Megan :*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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