Ichiya's dance lessons

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One day, some of the Fairy Tail characters were walking to Ichiya's ballet lesson. On the way they passed the neighborhood's friendliest crossing guard, Zeref.

"Hi, ladies!" he cried romantically. "Lots of love!"

The girls squirmed uncomfortably, while the boys giggled. Natzu protested,"Hey, what about us boys?"

Laughing, they walked down the block. Mockou and Uaqaba were chatting about their favorite cars, and Mara-Jane and Wendy were comparing their makeup.

Finally they reached a shack reading "Ichiya's ballet lessons". They went inside, finding it to be covered with pictures and models of Kawaii-Chan. The rest of the building was, well.....it's hard to explain.

They got set and Ichiya, wearing his favorite pair of Kawaii-Chan leggings that Wendy had sowed for him and a ballerina tutu, called out, "Okay, today we will be dancing in pairs. Pay attention to the following:

Natzu and Lasana,
Levy and Mockou,
Uaquaba and Wendy,
Laxus and Mara-Jane,
Erza and Jellal,
Zeref and Lucy,
Achnologia and Carla.
I myself will be dancing with Mavis."

Ichiya then demonstrated a series of graceful turns and leaps. Then he took Mavis and together they danced quite nicely. Then he told everyone to do the same.

The rest of class was... Interesting.

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