Home Sweet Home

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Part 4

Home Sweet Home

Genko) There it is... Home...

Lambda) finally....

-the area is beautiful as they fly over a luscious beautiful and lively kingdom. Lots of people, buildings smalls and large, wide and thin. The castle towers above them greatly-

Genko) Drop me off at the castle will yah?

Nu) Ok!

-all three of them descend toward the down drawbridge toward the castle, landing smoothly-

Genko) ah... Home sweet home!

Nu) Oooh. It's really pretty here!

Genko) Yah.

Lambda) it's time to go Nu.

Nu) What? But why sister?!

Lambda) We aren't here to visit, this was an escorting mission only, nothing more. Let's go.

Nu) But Nu wants to stay and look around! Nu don't want to go anywhere!!

-she starts jumping around and pouting like a child-

Genko) Uhm...

Lambda) You know what? Fine. I'm going back to HQ. When you leave I'll send a jet to here.

-she turns and flies away-

Nu)?' Bye Lammy!!!

Genko) Later Lam-dork!


-she jets off-

Genko) -sighs-

You sure this was a good idea?

Nu) yah! Nu is sooo excited!

-She hops on genko's back-

Genko) Eh?!

-stumbles abit-

damn it! do you know how to walk?

Nu) Where do we go first?

Genko) -sighs-

Well.. I guess we can start with seeing my son. Haven't seem him in quite some time and Nora must have her hands full.

Nu) You have a son?

Genko) I'm also the king here.

Nu) WHAT?! Wait. Where's your pointy crown?

Genko) Eh. Crows are uncomfortable, common, lets go.

-he turns and walks-

Nu) Yay!

-she climbs on his back-

-after a bit of walking, a lot of attention being the king later, they reach a rather large mansion owned by the bust family-

Genko) -knocks on the diamond gilded front door-

Geez. Diamonds?

Nora) -a very busty women with long grey hair, light brown shades, soft pink lip stick and large moon shaped earrings opens the door. She wears a very tight black dress that goes just above her knees and stiletto heels. She smiles warmly and seductively-

Oh. My king what a delightful surprise. Who would think the great king Genko would choose me... The most gorgeous women alive, over anyone else...i am simply..flattered.

Nu) she's creeping Nu out...

Genko) She does that a lot. Say, I'm here to see mah boy, Dion. Is he here? It's time for his little sleep over to end.

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