One For the Books

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One For the Books


It's midnight and I am currently walking the Vegas strip. Well I was walking, I'm sitting in a gay bar. Drag queens keep commenting on my shoes. My feet hurt, I'm hungry and I have no phone. I could have gone back but I needed to clear my head and think. Is this all the right choice? Did we rush into everything? He is only my 2nd relationship.

It definitely cleared everything up. But these 14 hours away made me realize one thing. One very important thing.

I miss him.

I miss his cologne and his smile. The way he always is playing with his lip ring and the way he holds me in his arms.

God, I miss Trevor. Now I am lost and tired. I just want him.

Priscilla, the man/lady who owns the bar gave me a free martini. I didn't drink it, so she downed it. Priscilla's real name is Peter-yes she's a drag queen.

"So where's your man?" She asks. She walks around and sits on a stool by me.

"I don't know. I can't even remember the name of our hotel." I lay my head on the bar.

"Oh honey, I wouldn't lay your head there, you do not want to know what goes on, on that bar." I quickly raise my head.

"Priscilla, there's a straight guy in the bar." A girl says to Priscilla. She smiles and smirks. 

"Let him in honey, one of us can flip him." She laughs. She looks a lot like RuPaul.

"So what's he like?" Priscilla smiles.

"Sweet and attractive. With a heart of gold and attractive. And a very funny. He's amazing." I smile a sad smile, because he is gone. 

"So why did you leave him?" She looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Cuz I'm only 20.-"

"Gasp! And I gave you a martini! Good thing I drank it." She winks.

"So I'm only 20 and he's 21. We are still so young. I don't want to rush into it." I shake my head. 

"But you're young, live a little. YOLO!" She shouts.

"I love him. I really do." I smile. 

"Then why are you sitting here?!" She shouts at me.

"Because I don't have my phone or money. And I don't know where our hotel is." I frown.

"Does this guy have piercings?" She randomly questions. 

"Yeah, how did you know?" I furrow my eyebrows. Gosh I want to get out of this place. It smells like alchol and sweat.

"Because he is about to get raped on the dance floor." Priscilla points to the dance floor. I turn and see Trevor fighting his way through the people trying to get to me. When I see him I smile, which makes him smile.

"He isn't gay!" I shout.

"Boys, let our guest come to his women." They let him part and he runs over to me. He pulls me in a tight hug.

"I have been looking all day for you!" He kisses my temple.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and I realize I'm tearing up, so I fight back tears. 

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