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Lucy POV:
I sit amongst my fellow graduates, respectfully listening to my former principal as he expresses his last few words of wisdom.

"My beloved students," Principal Makarov addresses us as a whole, "today is the day when your lives change forever. The day when you spread your wings out and soar into the open world right outside this school's doors. The day you take hold of what you believe in and choose how you want to emphasize that to the world. Today is the day that you leave this school and share your talents that we as faculty, no as family, have seen."

"This may be the day in which you part ways with some of your companions. If that is indeed true, just remember that even if they can't see you, no matter how far away they may be, they'll always looking your way. They will think of you, and you will do the same; that's what it means to be friends. You love one another and will never forget the fun times you've experienced together within this school's walls." Principal Makarov continues.

"High school may be coming to an end, but your life is just beginning. My faithful students, you get to go out into the world and experience greater joys than the ones you experience now. You will be introduced to new things that may scare you at first, but if you take a chance, a risk, it'll be worthwhile in the end." He presses on.

"As my eyes scour this room, I see nothing but greatness. You all have worked so hard, and I am truly grateful for your efforts in not only making your life better, but ours as well. We, " Principal Makarov explains as he spreads his arms out, directing the attention not only to him, but the teachers as well, "as administrators think of you all as our children. A student's happiness is everyone's happiness, and a student's sadness is everyone's sadness. As a family, we prosper and fail together. We go through obstacles that seem like they can't be broken, but with the help of those around you, we break them down effortlessly."

"My children," Principal Marakov proceeds, "we love every single one of you. From the troublesome ones to the deathly shy ones to the loud, enthusiastic ones and to the well-ordered, focused ones, we love every single one of you. Please, continue to express yourself as you move into the next part of your lives."

"My beloved children, please remember that we will always be looking your way." Principal Makarov concludes with a wide grin spread across his face.

Cheers and claps block out any other sounds attempting to ruin the moment we all just shared.

"You all may now meet with your families outside in the courtyard. Please be safe on your journey into the new part of your life, my children." Principal Makarov informs us.

Former classmates of mine run out of the school doors with nothing but excitement and eagerness plastered on their faces.

As I slowly take my time leaving the room, I eventually make my way out into the school courtyard.

Finding a nearby tree, I lean back on it and stare up at the cloudless sky above.

"Today is the day, mom."

"The day that my life changes forever."

"This isn't the first time that that's happened before, that my life changed forever."

"The day of your death was one of those days."

"The day father began to insult me was one of those days."

"The day dad began to hit me was one of those days."

"The day I became mute was one of those days."

"The day people at school began to bully me was one of those days."


"The day I met Natsu was one of those days."

"The day I made friends was one of those days."

"The day I told Natsu about what father was doing was one of those days."

"The day I told my friends about dad's actions was one of those days."

"The day father got arrested and sentenced to jail for child abuse was one of those days."

"The day I moved in with Levy and her parents was one of those days."

"The day I fell in love with Natsu was one of those days, and,"

"the day he returned my feelings was one of those days."

"With the help of Natsu and my friends, I've  come to realize that not all life-altering changes are bad."

"Mom, I don't know what I'd do without them."

"They've shown me what it means to live a life that's worth living."

"I love them so, so much."

"Hey Luce!" A familiar voice calls out.

Directing my gaze away from the sky and in the direction of the voice, my eyes fall upon a certain pink haired boy that I've come to love surrounded by our friends that have supported me endlessly.

"You ready?" He questions, his signature smile planted on his face.

Walking towards them, a smile creeps onto my face.

These people will never know how much they truly mean to me, how much they have affected my life, and how much I love them to the point that I would risk my own life for theirs.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answer, finally making my way towards them.

Grabbing Natsu's hand, the eight of us walk out of the school gates, and begin our adventure into the new part of our lives.

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