Chapter Twenty

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Kelsey is one of the most beautiful people I have ever laid eyes on, just saying.

Also...I had no one else to use besides Ross Lynch for the last chapter.xD It was 10 P.M and I was tired, lol. Also...


I can't wait!!!:3

Scott opened his eyes, gasping when he saw Ross' limp body on the ground. Blood poured out of his forehead, making Scott look away from him. Travis and Candice shared a look, not knowing if they should support Scott's choice of killing Ross or not.

It was a rule The Council made. No enemy is supposed to be killed unless it's through execution.

"I...I," Scott tried to explain, shaking a bit. Candice shook her head, taking Scott's gun. "I didn't mean too!"

"I know you didn't, but you cannot have your weapon anymore. If The Council finds out that you killed Ross by your own accord, you will be the one to be executed. Scott, you have to stay quiet. We can't kill anyone else until we take them to the execution sight."

Scott nodded, tearing up as he looked at the dead body of Ross. The blood made his hair tangly, his eyes wide and empty. Scott kneeled down, closing Ross' eyes as tears rolled down his face.

"I'm so sorry, Ross. I'm so sorry."


Bullets flew from the sky, causing Scott to run over to hide under an awning. He gasped when he saw someone get shot, their body falling to the ground. It was a Pioneer trying to get Ross' body but failed miserably. The raining bullets stopped immediately, bringing Scott, Travis, and Candice out to examine their surroundings. Travis tensed at the newly deceased body, a young woman that had to be no more older that the twenty.

"How did they do that?!"

Scott looked up at the sky, helicopters flying away from the spot. Scott shook his head, looking back at his team so he could get some things across.

"If this happened once, there is a chance that it will happen again. If it does, we have to prepared for it. We need to act her as much Council Members as we can so that no one will die. Do I make myself cle-"


Scott turned around quickly, a small girl behind him. Her eyes are full of tears, shaking a bit as she walked up to Scott. She held a paper in her hand, shaking it to the Alpha right away.

"Twenty Council Members are dead or MIA. We cannot afford to lose anymore Council Members. The Council will fall apart if we lose anymore."

"Thank you, Alexis. I will keep that in mind. Stay safe, okay? We really need you for this mission."

"Yes, Sir."

"You could call me Alpha Scott."

"Okay...Alpha Scott."

Scott smiled, letting the girl do whatever she needed to do. He looked back at Candice and Travis, frowning immediately as he looked at his surroundings.

"Twenty people and it hasn't even been a week yet. How did this happen?"

"The Pioneers are smart," Travis spoke up, shaking his head. Candice and Scott looked at him, nodding a bit. "They are Betas who agreed with the rules. You will not meet a Pioneer that is an Alpha or Omega. They are always Betas. Why? I do not even now. It's quite weird if you ask me."

Candice nodded in agreement, hearing something that fell on the ground. She raised an eyebrow, walking over to a small device, picking it up carefully.

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