Home (Nagisa x Reader)

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This story was not requested but rather a kick starter for this book so...


Reader's POV

"There is always someone out there who will lend a helping hand if you're willing to look for them"

For some reason I always felt that my heart would always be heavily guarded by thick walls which can't ever be destroyed. Sometimes I thought it was way stronger than the Great Wall of China, I'm just empty, but you shouldn't feel sad for me because I'll never feel anything towards you.

I put everyone in front of me, I would always think to myself, 'As long as they're okay, it's fine if I lose a few limbs or even my life'. But, there was always one person against my decisions, his name was Nagisa Hazuki. I offered to help him once on his homework because he was having a hard time in literature like me but he was the first ever person to deny my offer saying, "If I don't do this myself, I will never know how to do it" but, since we weren't alone during our classes, there were a few people who overheard and asked me to do it for them. I couldn't refuse because I'm in the center of attention and everyone was watching, everyone would think I'm the kind of girl who would stoop so low and just ask hot guys if they want favors.

To be honest, when people say a guy is hot and one who has plain looks is called ugly, I can't tell the difference. I'm not trying to say this in a bad way like all guys are ugly but, I feel the same way towards all of them... nothing. That was until he showed up in my life and changed my view.

"(y/n), you'll help me! Right?", the boy waved his paper in front of my face and asked after hearing me speak to Nagisa.

"Sure", I gave a small smile and took the paper.

"Oo! Oo! Me too!", another boy waved his paper at me.

"Got it", I flashed him the same empty smile as well. The bell rang during the conversation and before I could leave the room, Nagisa grabbed my arm, pulling me just outside the boys locker room.

"Is it always like this?", he asked.

"What are you talking about?", I gave a small smile and hoped that whatever he was doing, it gets finished fast.

"Helping others"

"Oh, yeah. Why?"

"What do you mean why? You're pushing yourself and I can tell you just want to make people happy but why? You're pulling all nighters, working part time jobs and even doing someone else's work. You're basically a mouse caught in it's own trap!", he pointed at the bags under my eyes while yelling.

"But, people deserve to be happy"

"People! Why is it always about people! You aren't even saving time for your health"

"So? Everyone is more important than me and that means it's not a problem"

"It hurts seeing you like this", he looked down.

"Why do you even care?", I glared while gradually getting more confused at his statements.

"I like you! Why won't you understand?", he turned his head to face the floor blushing.

"The one who doesn't understand is you! You won't understand what I've been through!", I yelled because I wasn't about to let myself be swallowed up by those false words.

"I do understand, listen, in the past, my grades were lowering as I stopped studying and my parents wouldn't let me swim anymore. At that time, I got mad and ran away because I wanted them to know that swimming was important to me. The ones who helped me realize I was wrong were my very own friends, that is all you need to live happily", he tries to hold in his tears when speaking to me.

"I-I", I was unsure how to respond.

"You don't have to like me back, just please... stop", his hands were now on my shoulder.

I put up an emotionless face and replied, "Even if one person can understand what I feel... they won't know what it actually feels like".


I touched my cheek and looked at the boy in front of me who was now crying.

"(y/n)... You felt that right? If you feel pain then you can feel other things too! But, if you don't give your feelings a chance, you won't ever know what happiness is!", he yelled through his tears and moved his hands away from my shoulders, only to place them on my waist and pull me towards a small hug.

"Just give it a chance", his smell made me feel safe but, I was scared to have feelings and then lose the person that gave me them so... I cried.

I cried and cried but Nagisa didn't move, in fact, he was lending me his body when he felt the liquid that I let my feelings pour into. He didn't move until he couldn't hear the sounds of tears falling anymore and released me from his hold. Nagisa rubbed his thumb under my eyes to wipe the tears away so I grabbed hold of his shirt and placed my head on his chest.

"Just let it out, I'll always lend my shoulder to you", he smiled as I looked up and he pat my head softly.

"I feel better now! Thank you", I gave a fake smile.

"You're welcome", he gave me a very bright smile back, filling me with guilt.

We became acquainted and talked when we both had nothing to do which soon led us to becoming friends. Nothing could ruin the bond we had now or... so I thought.

~A few days later

I was waiting for the sign which tells me when to cross the road to pop up. Once it changed, I walked on the crosswalk and I heard a loud beep before turning around to see a car going in full speed with a driver heading straight towards me. My legs wouldn't move and a boy pushed me aside while shouting, "Watch out!".

I heard a beep sound once more and another sound that followed which scared me, an object slamming into something... No, someone. I heard a police car come by as well, with me still staring at the ground, I was on the sidewalk now and I decided to slowly turn around. There I saw the most frightening scene in front of me, a boy with similar blonde hair as my best friend, bathing in his own blood. My heart shattered at that moment and I turned to see the driver of the car panicking before driving away.

I was so mad and depressed as I started to walk closer to the motionless body, his hand moved slightly and I kneeled down next to him. Tears were falling from my eyes as I realized, this was the first time I had ever cried for someone.

Third Person POV

The boy, whose eyes were closed, slowly opened them and whispered with a broken voice holding that same warm heartfelt smile. His hand had touched the girl's cheeks and attempted to wipe her tears but his hand soon fell just as fast as he had placed it on her, his breathing had slowed down quite a lot and soon his pulse was no more. The girl had widened her eyes as the thought of her best friend dying approached her. She didn't even hear his last words and that's what struck her heart the most, if only she had tried to listen.

The ambulance had come way too late.

~End of Flashback

Reader's POV

Rin, Makato, and Rei were standing behind me crying and even the emotionless Haru let his first and last tears fall. There were all in suits holding small bouquets with mine planted in the ground already.

"I'm sorry... I don't let anyone force their work onto me anymore. That's great, right?", I cried, hoping to hear a response as I wiped my eyes again for the tenth time.

"Even if you can't hear me now, thank you", I whispered with a small smile as the tears started dropping again and I walked away from the cement stone with the name Nagisa Hazuki carved onto it. A single thought still lingered in my head as I left when I thought I heard a familiar voice and for the first time... I smiled a real smile.

'I love you too'

I cry everytime... but to be honest, this story is the first story I ever made with a bad ending. My style is usually making sad background stories for the reader with good endings so... I just ruined it all. Not every story ends with a happy ending, but you can write your own fate.

Thank you for your support and keep RRR!

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