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^ Jake Webb ^

Karma's POV

I feel like a thousand Elephants had a rave party in my head that lasted hours and it's a shame because Elephants are my favourite animal.

Opening my eyes slowly, I found that i was in my room, with my shoes off, a blanket on me and a blonde male at my window.

I went to move up but the pain from my head only made it worse so I groaned and that made the male turn around. To my surprise it was my boyfriend Jake.

Jake is 5'10 with dirty blonde hair which had a few curls now and then, he has a small cut on the right side of his lip and he won't tell me how he got that. Jake has a deep husky voice and isn't a huge muscle guy he has some but not like Dwayne Johnson.

"Hey beautiful" he started to walk closer to me and reached over to my bed side cabinet "here have these, It might help" handing a glass of water and aspirin.

"Thank you. How did I get home? And why are you here? Not to sound rude or anything" finishing off my water.

"Umm Blake and he let me in on his way out . I didn't get to see you much last night"

"Oh okay"

"So how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine"

"Anyways you better start getting ready as we have school in an hour and it's the first day from break. So chop chop" and walked out the room.

I groaned once again this morning and headed for the shower.

Once I was out of the shower which took 10 minutes. I decided on my outfit I was going to wear.

It was a black shirt with 'We all fall in love' written on it and it was tucked in my white/cream laces shorts. I had a cream cardigan over the top and to top the outfit I had nude heels boots on.

After blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I don't wear make up as I have the perfect skin, that I don't really want to have 3 inches of make up on and then ruin my skin

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After blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I don't wear make up as I have the perfect skin, that I don't really want to have 3 inches of make up on and then ruin my skin.

Collecting my school bag and gym bag that had my cheerleading uniform in from my room I headed downstairs to the kitchen to see Jake sitting on the breakfast table with pop tarts sitting next to him.

He must of heard me walk in and he turned his head to me with a huge grin on his face.

"You look stunning, like always" handing me the plate that was next to him "here they only got out of the toaster a minute ago so it should still be warm"

I took it from him saying a thank you. His phone started to ring so he went towards the back door and answered it there with a smile on his face. Weird.

When I was finished eating we walked outside to his car and started are way to school.

At school (still Karma's POV)

When we got to school, Jake said he needed to ask his football coach something. He's been acting really weird for the past few weeks, I ask if he is okay and he just says he's fine.

and I went to the gym to start morning practice. I don't really understand why we have it in the morning not after school but they say some of them have homework and other say they are just busy.

I took my phone out to text Tori and Harper that I was helping the girls this morning so I will see them at lunch. Whilst I was texting I walked into a brick hard wall, but when it started to talk, that's what got me freaked out.

"Watch where your going dork"

"Did you just talk?"

"Open your eyes Karma"

Slowly I opened them to see a not very angry Blake like he usually is. "Sorry"

"You know we have to stop meeting like this"

"What are you going on about?"

"You don't remember? Last night you was confessing your love for me. Any ways you should be careful about your so perfect boyfriend. You never know what he's keeping from you" and with that he walked away. Leaving me so confused and late.

sorry for the short chapter

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