Febuaray 4th 2014 and January 9th 2015

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February 4th 2014
Dear Diary,
The Hyland left today. I was sad to see them leave, because Brooke and I were really close. Oh well. I've seen plenty of people leave in my time. The ALDC isn't for everyone.
January 9th 2015
Dear Diary,
Kalani was pulled from the group today. Even though Abby won't admit it, we all know that it's punishment for Kira bringing in Alexa to do the solo. Really, at this point, I could care less. Kalani is talented no matter who choreographs her solos, and Alexa had a point. She is Kalani's teacher. The only thing that doesn't fit is that she doesn't go to Club Dance anymore. Oh wait, Lifetime just made it look like I don't know Alexa. Reality TV.

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