Chapter 2

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Aerona sat with her back against the brick wall of the courtyard. Light spring wind was blowing, and she could smell the sweet scent of fresh flowers, so vibrant you could almost taste them.

She turned the page of her book, as the last bell rang, and the sound of voices boomed down the hall. She could hear heavy and light footsteps mixed together in a perfect sequence.

She looked at the page number of her book then closed the book, setting it beside her. She ran her hands through the grass and let out a sigh. She closed her eyes, and thought to herself.

She opened her eyes when she felt someone sit beside her. She saw Rosie shoving a brownie in her mouth. Aerona roller her eyes at Rosie.

"What?" Rosie asked her mouth full of food.

"Where did you get that?" Aerona asked.

"Took it" Rosie said after chewing her food up.

"And you didn't get me one?" Aerona said shocked.

"No offense Aerona, but you can do whatever the hell you want, and not get in trouble" she said licking the chocolate off her fingers. "Besides" she began again. "I thought you didn't like brownies?"

"Honestly, they're food Rosie" Aerona complained.

"That's true." Rosie said. There was silence.

"Summer was looking for you" She said

"Why?" Aerona asked confused.

"I don't know something about history of magic?" Rosie asked her.

"Again?" Aerona asked rolling her eyes.

"Well she stresses that you study for the upcoming final that's tomorrow' " Rosie said.

"Why won't she listen when I tell her that I already have?" Aerona questioned.

"It's summer" Rosie said like she was stating the obvious.

"So are you going to see Draco over the summer?" Rosie asked.

"Oh, I hope not, but I probably will, Yeah" Aerona responded.

"Wow when are you parents going to stop?" Rosie said.

"Never" Aerona joked standing up. She brushed some blades of grass off of her.

"They know you hate him" Rosie said.

"Yeah, and they don't care" Aerona harshly, starting to walk down the corridor.

"Your parents really suck, don't they?" Rosie asked, following her.

"Yeah" Aerona responded.


When they went to dinner Aerona was dead tired of studying with Summer. Aerona had told her that she had, Indeed, studied, but she wouldn't listen.

"How was studying?" Rosie asked.

"Don't even start" Aerona grumbled piling food on her plate.

"Now you have a very low probability of failing your final" Summer grinned. "You're welcome"

"I had a low probability of failing, now you've confused my brain and I'm going to fail thanks to you" Aerona said sarcastically.

The next day they took the finals, and they were a breeze to Aerona and she bet she would still be fine if she would have skipped her study sessions with summer.

It came to dinner time, and Aerona's stomach rumbled with the thought of food.

Her and Summer sat down next to Rosie, who was talking to Luna and Octavia.

"Hey, there are the know it alls" Rosie joked. Aerona glared at her.

"If I read one more question I think I 'ought to puke" Aerona complained.

"That's me when I look at cupcakes when I'm full. Yet I still eat more." Rosie said. Aerona rolled her eyes but couldn't help but giggled with the other girls.

Tonight would be the last dinner they had together before the summer, so Aerona took it all in. Tomorrow they would go home.

Aerona piled the food in her mouth trying not to look disgusting but she loved this meal, and it would be the last at Hogwarts for three months. She yawned tired from the studying, and hoped she wouldn't fall asleep before her roommates, scared that she would miss the fun.

Dinner finally ended and all five girls, smuggled food and ran across the school to the Ravenclaw tower. They ran up the stairs as fast as they could, and hoped that no one saw them with the food. They reached the door, answered the riddle, and then sprinted past the book-filled common room, and up into their room, locking the door behind them.

They all spread the food across the table, in between Luna and Octavia's bed.

Luna had smuggled some green apples, Aerona just under a dozen of cookies. Octavia spilled out some brownies, Summer doing the same. Rosie spilled her bag revealing chips, popcorn, crisps, pieces of Yorkshire pudding, and a few Jammie Dodgers.

"Holy Food" Aerona yelled grabbing one of the Jammie Dodgers, and taking a bite out of it.

"What can I say, I've got talent" Rosie replied flipping her hair.

"Watch it" Summer said, a bite of Yorkshire pudding in her mouth. "You're bad behavior might rub off on her"

"It already has. And if I didn't have a bad behavior then you wouldn't have that 'snack'" Rosie taunted. Summer rolled her eyes.

"I agree with Rosie. Let Aerona run wild" Octavia laughed.

"I think Aerona wishes you guys would stop talking about her like she's in another room" Luna said. Octavia snorted, throwing her head back laughing, her black hair being whipped around. They all thought she was a bit mad. They all stared at Octavia.

"Not funny? Alright fine. What do you guys want to play? One game each. Go!" She challenged.

"Truth or dare" Aerona shouted.

"Would you rather" Luna added.

"What would you do" Rosie said.

"The opinion game" Summer spoke. It was silent. "It's this game I made up you see. You voice your opinion about someone without saying their names, and you lists facts about them, and someone has to guess who it is. After that the person who guesses goes"

"Sounds fun" Aerona shrugged.

"Well I want to do" Octavia paused. Then she smirked. "Snog, marry, curse" she finally said.

"You joking" Summer groaned.

"Be happy she didn't pick spin the secret again" Rosie laughed.

"I hate that game" Summer groaned.

"We know" the four other girls said in unison.

"So which do we do first?"

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