Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Guys, I wrote y'all a filler chapter because I go back to school on Wednesday and thought a small update would be necessary, so uh, enjoy. 

- Mackenzie

Niall's Point of View

I awkwardly sat next t Conan on the floor of Harreh's bedroom. Both of us watchin' Harreh log onto skype so he could see if Spencer could join us.

Not gonna lie, it was a bit awkward. Conan was goin' between glancin' at me and staring at Harreh. (I'm pretty sure it was 'cause his arse was totally on view, but I didn't want t say anythin'.)

"So..." I mumbled, "You and Harreh, huh?"

Conan nodded, "Yep. Something like that. Somethin' about him is just kinda..."


He grinned and nodded, turnin' back t Harreh who was grinning back at 'is best friend.

"Spencer!" Harreh greeted. "So guess what."

Spencer raised her eyebrow, "What?"

Harreh lifted his laptop and set it in front of us before scramblin' over t sit in between Conan and meself, "I officially have two friends in Ireland again."

Screwing up her face, she stared at me "You're friends with the asshole who ditched us again?"

"Shut ye mouth," I glared. "I was threatened - by knifepoint!"


"I'd punch ya if you weren't a girl!"

She snorted, "I'm shaking behind my computer screen, Horan."


Makin' a plan took longer than any of thought. Mainly because Spencer was bein' a cunt, I had to recount me whole story all over again, and then there was the whole Conan flirtin' with Harreh and making 'im blush.

Not that I was jealous or nothin', but I could've sworn I was the only one who could make Harreh turn that red. I mean, he did fancy me, right? Unless he had moved on t Conan already which would be absolute shit.

I mean, that would make Conan a rebound, which would've sucked for his first gay experience.

"Do any of you guys know anything about Daniel besides the fact that he's a psycho that's after all three of ya?"

Conan raised his eyebrow, "He's after them. I'm just here for moral support."

"He knows you two kissed, bro. Think he's just gonna let you go? Malachi's know Horan for all these years and basically ordered his throat sliced."

Harreh nodded and threw his arms over both of us, "Welcome to the club, Con. The 'Malachi is trying to kill you because you're gay' club."

I opened me mouth t point out that I wasn't actually gay, but then I remembered all the times I've snogged the kid and gotten blown (and a handy durin' that sleepover) and decided it'd be best t keep me mouth shut.


Harry's Point of View

I sat crossed legged and listened to my best friend come up with ideas.

"You could call the police."

Niall blew that idea away, "Yes, 'cause the police would totally believe three teenagers have a teenage hitman after 'em 'cause of their ex best mate."

"He was never my best mate." I muttered, earning a reassuring pat on my thigh by Conan.

"You're not missin' much,"

Spencer nodded, "Hire a hitman of your own. After Daniel."

This time Conan snorted, "A hitman after another? Are ya crazy? We'd be arrested for murderin' a murderer."

And then it hit me all of a sudden, "Zayn! Spenc, we need Zayn and Liam's help."

Everyone turned and stared at me. Conan because I never told him about him, Niall because that dreaded sister of mine's big mouth during that embarrassing night, and Spencer because it made sense.

"School is still in session, bro." She pointed out. "They can't just skip."

"Zayn and I used to all the time."

Spencer sighed, "I'll see what I can do. But no promises."

I nodded and grinned to myself.

This plan was fool proof.

That was, if Zayn was willing to help an ex boyfriend out.


A/N: Argh, sorry for the short, crappy, rushed, filler chapter. I'm totally in a rush, but I know people have been waiting so here ya go. Hope this satisfies your Narry filled minds(;

I'll make up for it next chapter.

Anyway, who expected Zayn t make an appearance? I sure as hell didn't.

Speaking of hell, anyone else obsessed with Supernatural? 

- MacKenzie

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