Chap-2 (louis's POV)

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Sorry for taking so much time to update. I am in my final school year.So its really hectic. Please bare with me.
I will really appreciate it if you all just spare some time to Cote o comment (:. It actually means a lot to me if you all do so (: .
Oh btw should I make an account on kik?:)
Niall and I walked into our English class and realized that we are actually quite early because the class isn't filled yet. We both Go and sit at the back.The class fills up within the next 5 mins as the students occupy their places. I keep my eyes focused at the door of the class.Not a single hot guy.*Ugh*I don't even know where all the handsome boys If are school are, okay wait, were there any in our school in the first place. I don't think so.
" I am going to die single I swear " I mutter to myself quietly and slouch in my seat.
"Good Morning class "Mrs Winston's shrill voice blasts through the classroom. I groan as I see Niall swap his seats with Dean Thomas to sit beside the prettiest girls in the class( that's what people said ) I guess she's Isabelle. She is wearing a black miniskirt and a tight red leather jacket with her cleavage on display. Trust me She looks skanky. Its not just because I am attracted to boys, even though I am, I still find girls pretty, Obviously not in the Platonic way. The thing is she's too revealing and slutty for her own good.I still remember Isabelle and I used to be in the same class when we were kids and She was actually prettier and nicer then. We were even friends . GOD knows what went wrong.
Without wasting anymore time pondering on my thoughts I take out my spiral notebook out off my bagpack start doodling aimlessly as the class proceeds.I don't even know how to put into words how fucking bored I am sitting here all by myself.Newsflash that's what happens when your bestfriend is a bastard.

All of a sudden in the middle of the class the door of the class push open and a tall lanky boy with chocolate brown curls reaching just upto his shoulder, walks in. He is somewhat 6'3 as per my assumptions.His skin too pale to be Real, considering the fact of him being that pale his pink plump lips are the most noticeable feature of his face, not that his jawline isn't sharp enough, he is beautiful in a weird way that's the first thing that comes time my mind , the lanky boy's appearance is quite simple yet it potrayed his features in such a beautiful way that I couldn't think straight.His too tight black skinny Jean, DAMN! they clung to his legs showing off his perfectly toned thin legs he has some tattoes scattered all around his arms,which were visible from afar due to his pale complexion.The shirt on him was white and round necked.
"Exuse me! Are you in this class?'' Mrs Winston's asks as soon he steps in.
"Umm, yeah i guess " he replies in a deep raspy voice scratching his neck nervously. That bitch and his accent, what even?is he posh?
"Oh that's why I see. Your name?" Mrs Winston looks up from her stack of papers and literally scans him from head to toe.
" Harry styles " he replies without looking at her.
"Go take a seat at the back. Try to be on time from next time Mr Styles "

Harry swiftly walks into the class his eyes scanning for an empty seat that's when he notices that there is an empty seat next to mine

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Harry swiftly walks into the class his eyes scanning for an empty seat that's when he notices that there is an empty seat next to mine.Seeing that he walks upto me and motions me to move my bag-pack from the seat.I quickly move my bag-pack from there and slouch down on my seat again. Harry sits there keeping his books on the desk with a loud thud .The class was so silent that the thud sounded a bit louder than it actually was and that was enough to snap me out of my trance and I almost jump right there on my seat. Harry pays no attention to me as he takes out his notebook and starts writing something but not what Mrs Winston was teaching, I am very sure of that. His lack of attention towards me was enough of a cue to set my mind straight.
"Ugh Louis stop staring at straight people " I internally scold myself.After that I did not dare to look at him again. His constant screeching of pencil on the paper told me he is quite busy writing something. Well what is so important that he cant even bother to spare as much as a second to look up to see what is going on in the class.Well neither did Mr.posh make any attempt to be friends with me, Sitting barely an inch away from him, weren't new students hyped up about making Friends? ,atleast thats what I knew. Nevermind! .
I hear shuffling around me ,and as I look up from my notebook I realize that the bell has already rung , 'Mr styles "was already no where to be seen.He already left .
What is wrong with him, wait I am supposed to ask myself what is wrong with me? Why am I even wasting my time thinking about a complete stranger. I huff in annoyance as I walk out of the class not realizing that Niall was walking right behind me, untill he shook my shoulders bringing my attention to him.
"Anything bothering you mate ? " Niall asks me concerned as soon as I turn to look at him.
"No,no I'm alright "I assure him faking the best of my smiles as humanely as possible.
" As you say. But don't think I din catch you eye raping that styles guy .you practically never took your eyes off him." Niall chuckles pinching my cheeks as it flushed in all the shades of red.
"Shut up you manwhore. Stop making stuffs up. I have a class to attend, as it is I am already late because of You and your useless mouth. Now do me a favour and get lost please. "I shove him away from me playfully and walk towards my maths class.
"Thank God" I mutter to myself as I see that I wasn't as late I thought I was but when I walk in I see Harry sitting at the back with his legs stretched out.
"Darn it. " I almost shout but manage to bite the back my tongue in time preventing myself from actually doing so.I slowly walk in towards the back of the class trying my best not to look at him and take a seat 2 rows behind him thereby cutting of any further chances of embarrassing myself.I swear us gay People and and our eyes.I stare at the back of his head and soon I start phasing off. My mind roaming to places where it strictly shouldn't be.
The class ends atlast and I walk out of the class as soon as I can towards the cafeteria. Liam,Troye and Niall are already Sitting in the spot like we do,Liam and Troye laughing on to something whereas Niall has all kind of junk food scattered on the table. I walk towards the table and sit on the empty seat between Liam and Troye.
" how have you been bro? Why isn't your boyfriend here yet? "I ask Troye when smiles at me.
" I am great. Oh! Connor, he'll be joining us soon I guess "Troye informs me,blushing slightly at mention of Connor's name, soon we are joined by Connor and we are having or usual fun.

I could feel someone's eye on me from the table next to us. It was then when I looked up I saw who it was. None other than Harry-fudging-Styles .He is intently staring at me, sitting beside him is a guy with jet black hair, who has as sharp of a feature as Harry,talking to him without even bothering to see If he is actually listening to him. But as soon as I caught him starting, he snaps his head in that guy's (who I suppose is his friend ) direction and pretended as If he never even saw that I am Sitting there on the first place.
"This is really weird" I say to myself.
"What is weird?" Troye nudges me with his elbow.
" Nothing. Just thinking about stuffs. Nevermind. " I try changing the subject as swiftly as I can.
Soon the lunch break comes to an end and the students eventually start evacuating the cafeteria. Thankfully Harry and his friends are no longer to be seen. And without thinking about him I walk towards my next class.
First day of high-school was unbelievably tiring.More than tiring it was frustrating. I just want to get over with School already .
Hope you all liked it :)
You all can suggest me stuffs . I will write them down:)

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