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The rain escapes onto my face as I walk down the road. I pull my hoodie up further and stuff my hands into my pockets. I hate the weather, almost as much as nature, maybe they'll take it too like nature. I turn my headphones up louder and concentrated on that instead. The Rain pours harder as I turn onto my road. The weather suddenly turns clear as I walk up too my house. You might think this is weird but this was completely normal here. The Hydra's controlled the weather. Mum says that they're going to take that too.hope they do it soon. I hate the weather and nature. Especially nature. I'm so glad the Hydra's took it. They made the nymph's do this weird thing so we have everlasting oxygen without trees, even if they didn't agree. The Hydra's have been trying to kill all of the nymph's. I thought they were all dead, but apparently there are still a few left, somewhere. I walked through my front door and the smell of pepperoni pizza hit my senses. My dad was sitting on the couch watching the game. It was Stoke vs Manchester united. I walked down the hall of our small bungalow to my bedroom. I quickly threw my backpack onto the floor and fell onto my bed face down. Suddenly, my mum rushes into my room and shuts the door quietly. The panic on her face makes me immediately sit up.

"Tyler, please baby, get up for me. Please can you hide in the ventilation and don't come out until I saw so." I didn't have time to reply as she quickly unscrewed the vent, hugged me and shoved me inside. After quickly screwing the vent back on, she rushed over too the door and moved her back against it. I shifted back a little as the door started bashing. The door opened and my mum let my dad in. They were talking in hushed voices, so I couldn't hear them. All of a sudden the windows smashed from the outside making me flinch. The long heads of the Hydra climbed threw the window, grabbed my dad and squoze him til his insides were splattered on my walls, like a new wallpaper. I lay holding my hand over my mouth, watching them move towards my mum. A single tear slithered down my cheek. With one swift move the Hydra sliced my mum to shreds. I watched from the side lines in disbelief. The Hydra left quickly and I simply lay there, crying silently.


Okay so i'm doing this writing challenge so that's what this is. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

AT xx

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