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"Fight me, prick. DO IT!"

"Casey, I don't want to fight you," She knew hand-to-hand combat just as much as I did and when she was this angry, She was terrifying. She and Jordyn had just had a fight. She was annoyed at Jordyn because she had been out all day with Carter. I can understand why she's mad. The hydra's were trying to find and kill us, they could of followed them. Jordyn obviously objected to Casey and stated that she made sure nobody followed. It caused a massive fight and here we are now. She's trying to get me to fight her. We've become very close over the past few months and never have I seen her want to kill me this badly.

"YOU SEXIST PIG!" She yelled as she leaped onto my back, clutching onto me with her legs. She was whacking me so hard with her hands that I grabbed her arms and flipped her onto her back. She winced and I instantly felt bad.

"I'm not sexist, I just don't wanna hurt my friend," She looked up at me, her face softening," Especially you," She took off her shoe and chucked it at my face. Luckily my reflexes caught it before it hit my face. She growled, got up and stormed out. I dropped the shoe and ran after her.

"Casey," I reached for her arm, but she stopped me before I could.

"Tyler, stop. Look I just really need to be alone right now and think about this," She turns to walk away but I step in front of her.

"Well tough, you're going to have to deal with me instead. " I grabbed her hand and took her to the small living room. I pushed her onto the sofa and went of to the Holographic TV to pick a film. I settled on 'The Exorcist' and sat next to her. I threw my arm casually over the back of the sofa and she leaned into me. I spent the film teasing her and making her scared. She laughed at most of it though. I think I calmed her down.

"Well, that was boring. You could of picked something better," She joked, sitting cross-legged facing me. I nudged her and smirked.

"I can think of something better to do," I jump on her and start tickling her sides. She bursts out laughing and I keep tickling her. I finally stop when I'm hovering over her, holing her hands above her head. Our face's were inches apart as I stared into her eyes, one hand holding her hands above her head. I used my free hand to move a small string of hair out of her face. She looks at my hand as I move it down her face towards her chin. She leans in but looks away when there's a burst of laughter from behind us.

"Jackson, I wanted to see what happened." Melanie whimpers from behind. I hear a slapping noise so I guess she slapped him.

"I'm sorry, it was just so funny. Ha, Tyler, nearly mate," I pull myself off her and whisper a sorry in her ear. She sits up immediately and looks at Melanie and Jackson.

"Sorry, I'm gonna call it a night," She walks out the room and I immediately glare at them. Melanie quickly chases after Casey and I punch Jackson hard in the face.

"Dude, why did you do that?"

"You know why," I say with a slight scowl as I walk off. For the rest of the week, Casey ignored me and it was just awkward.

Currently we were all hunting in the dead woods. Because nature was gone all the tree's and plant's were all dead. We were split into pairs, Carter had insisted to go with Jordyn and Melanie was inevitably going to go with Jackson, so I was with Casey. I didn't look at her the whole time. To be honest our powers didn't really help us in battle but we were elite in hand-to-hand. We were sneaking when there was a crack behind us. Then another. They were getting closer. I slowly turned and so did Casey. There behind us was a massive Hydra. Crap. I feel Casey grab my hand and pull herself closer to me. The Hydra looked at us and sniggered. It neared towards us and we took a step back. Again and again. Over and over. Suddenly, I'm pulled backwards and down a ravine. I hear Casey scream as we roll down the hill. Our hands fall apart and suddenly it all goes black.

"Ugh." I open my eyes slowly and look around. There's a light shining in from above and vines hanging down.

Where am I?

I sit up slowly and pain shot up my leg.

"Shit." I feel my swollen leg and curse. It's then when I remember what happened. The hydra. We fell. We. Casey.

"Casey?" I shift my vision too the shadows where an arm is sticking out. I try to move but the pain in my leg stops me. I can't use my power on myself because Casey might be really hurt. I suck up the pain and drag myself over to her. She's unconscious and bleeding from the head. Her arm was facing the other way. I grabbed her hand in mine and closed my eyes.

"Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead," I can't revive the dead. I'm not that good, yet. I centre all my energy on healing her. The light rises from her chest and my hair rises on my head. Once the light fades, I know she's healed. I fall onto her stomach, exhausted.

"TYLER? CASEY?" A voice sounds from above. I try and answer but all my energy leaves and I pass out.

"Shhhhh, I think he's waking and he needs rest not you guys fighting." I hear Melanie yelling at someone. I open my eyes and raise an eyebrow at Jackson and Jordyn. They never liked each other.

"Sorry, it's just I saw the Hydra heading for them and I was too busy making out with Carter to go and help. It's my fault that this happened."

"Look, it's dead now so it doesn't matter," Jackson shouts.

"How long?" I asked and they all looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" They all said in unison.

"How long was I out?"

"A few days. Your body healed itself whilst you were out so you should be fine, and before you ask Casey is just fine. She's been worried about you." They all leave and I decide to get up and grab a drink. My leg feels like jelly at first so I faceplant. I slowly lift myself up and walk to the fridge. It's weird at first but I get used to it. I drink a glass of juice and walk towards my secret place. Yes, me and Casey now share the place and we've been there many times but I still feel better when I go there. I hover upwards and burst threw the top. I try and land on my legs but I fall down. An arm catches me and steadies me. I look up and see Casey staring at me with concern.

"What's up? Have I got something on my face?" She just laughs and shakes her head.

"No. I just- Thanks. You know for saving my life. Apparently I was nearly dead but you saved me. When I woke up and saw you lying on me. I-I-I was filled with this dread. I was scared you were dead. I don't know what I'd do if you were dead," She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight," You better not leave me okay? Not now." We talked for hours until Casey fell asleep. She was next to me nuzzled into my chest. The sun was rising and I took the time to inspect her face. She was gorgeous, and deep inside, I knew she was mine. Maybe she knew it too.





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