You Should Probably Sit Down For This.

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This is so fucking stupid! If it isn’t my fucking dog then I shouldn’t have to find the damn thing! My mother is so unimaginably irritating I could literally kill myself! I should actually. Maybe then someone would realize what a bitch she really is! Ugh, it’s so flipping cold out. Why should winter come round so early in the year? Why must it last so long as well? Life just hates me, doesn’t it?

A crack sounded far out in the woods, but as far out as it sounded I knew it wasn’t that far away. I stopped walking through the now eerily silent wood and scanned the area slowly. Everything seemed to have stopped as the cracking sounded again. Damn it. Why must I get spooked so easily now? I was almost back to the cottage, almost out of the overly dark wood. Why now? Making a quick decision I turned back towards the cottage walking faster than normal.

The cracking only intensified and the leaves began rustling. Oh my gosh! Something’s after me! I took off in a dead sprint, heading towards what I thought to be edge of the wood. Just get into the open. Then you’ll be safe! I kept repeating the same thing over and over again in my head as I dodged trees and roots that sprung from the ground, trying to trip me up. God help me! I cried in my head as I felt a cold swipe of wind on the left side of my body as something I couldn’t spot past me at an inhuman speed.

I let out a hoarse scream as a heavy crushing weight pushed me to the ground. I struggled to free myself from the animal that confined me to the earth. It wasn’t budging in the slightest. Suddenly I cried out in immense pain. A searing jolt of pain spread from my neck to the end of my spine. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as black dots clouded my vision. The pain didn’t fade as consciousness did.


My eyes fluttered open as the light infiltrated the seams of my eyelids. Squinting in the harsh, bright, glare, of the light above me shined down relentlessly. It was a dream. The wood, the cracking, the animal, the…pain. All of it was a dream! I sat up in wonder. A dull ache throbbed in the base of my neck. I must’ve slept on it wrong. While rubbing the tenseness out of my neck I threw my legs over the side of the bed I pulled them back up in surprise as they came in contact with the floor. Instead of the usual rough wooden floor boards that lined the floor of our cottage, my feet touched cold, smooth, polished, linoleum. The I noticed another thing I hadn’t noticed before. I was in a strangers room. 

I have never been in this room before. I’ve never seen this type of furniture before either. It looked so alien compared to the scratched, torn, dusty, furniture back at the cottage. The wood had such shine I thought I was in the courthouse in the city for the slightest of moments. But no, I wasn’t at the courthouse. I sat upon a bed in a very spacious generously furnished room. Where was I? A cold chill swept over my skin. Clutching my arms to my chest I realized the danger I could possibly be in. who would attack me in the forest and then bring me to they’re house? Kidnappers!

I jumped from the bed swiftly forgetting the throbbing through my neck and down my spine. I stood at the window pushing it open, ready to make my escape. Maybe not. I was put in a room high off the ground, the space between the window and the grassy plain outside it would make for a nasty fall. I’ll try the door. I quickly yet quietly made my way to the door. With a small glimmer of hope in my heart I turned the knob slowly, only to deflate in sadness as it caught against the latch inside.

I knew it would be locked. What kind of kidnapper doesn’t lock the door they’re prisoner was behind? Yeah. I sighed in desperation as I gazed about the room looking for an escape. There was none that I could see. Well this is great, maybe I’ll be raped and killed and all my problems will end. What am I saying that would be horrible. I don’t want to die! My poor defenseless self couldn’t fight off a mere house cat, most less a grown man. Or woman! What?! They have fingernails the length of a bears claws! I’m going to die in this overly decorated , expensive, mass, of a house! All because of my brothers dog! 

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