Then I Saw His Ears.

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I took a seat on the window ledge. He looked at me funny for a minute then shook his head and walked over to the bed. Then the silence began. We just sat there motionlessly and avoided each other gaze. Well this was a very shocking conversation. Good thing I sat down. This silence would've definitly blown me off my feet with it's all mighty BORINGNESS! What the hell? Is this guy kidding me? I want to know how he 'healed' my neck! Well, it looks like Sir Talks Alot over is going to take action so I might as well get some thing going here!

"So, this was a mind-blowing conversation and all but I'm just gonna be on my way as of now." I stood in a calm fashion and then calmly walked to the door as if it was completely natural. He didn't look up as I stopped in the door way and glanced at him one last time.

I sighed a breath of relief when he didn't move. With that--. I hauled ass down the hallway and didn't look back. Wow, that was easy. A little too easy if you ant my opinion. But hey, my weak ass isn't complaining! I started to laugh quietly as I accended the stairs. That guy is loaded. Look at this stuff! Marble pillars and gold baubles decorated the foyer before me. Talk about rich people! This is rediculous! I shouls probably stick around and loot the place. Nah, I'm not gonna give him a bigger reason to track me down other than running away. I glanced over my shoulder and let out a sigh of relief that I was still alone. As I faced forwards once again, I collided with a wall. A skinny one at that. My ass sure hurts now. I looked up quickly. Ugh. Fuck. My. Life. 

A guy stood infront of me, a boy actually. He couldn't have been much older than myself, but who the hell knows. Not me. Anyway he was skinny and tall as a tree. Not really a tree, I'm exaggerating quite a bit but thats beside the point. He was tall. Possibly taller than the neck licking weirdo back there. Thats pretty damn tall if I should say so myself. As I said before, tall sucks. Especially for a short shit like myself. My mother be happy with her handy work because, if and when I get out of here, I'm going to shove her broom so far up her arse she'll have to sway back and forth to sweep the fucking floor! 

"Are you alright?" I looked up at the tree of a boy and scowled. Do I look like I'm alright? I don't believe so!

"I'm damn peachy. I've been kidnapped, bit, licked, and pushed down all in the same fucking hour! I'm fucking estatic!" I pushed myself out the ground and dusted off my jeans. "Now if you don't mind, which I couldn't care any less weather you do or don't, I'm gonna go now. Good day." I side stepped the bloke and stalked the rest of the way to the door.

"Uh--." I ignored the confused noise that escaped his throat and pulled on the door. It didn't budge.

I pulled harder. Still it didn't give. I stepped back and searched for some sort of knob or lever that would release that door and open it. I found none. What the hell? How does a door have no way to open it? What's the point?

"What are you doing?" I jumped forward in the process of turning around, when the curious tone reached my ears from barely a foot away. I scowled at the tree boy. I really need to stop scowling. I'm going to have premature wrinkles! 

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to open this freaking door! What's wrong with you people?! It's like you have no common sense what so ever." I turned to try the door once again when a different voice joined the short conversation.

"Asher, what is he doing?" I glanced over my shoulder to see the kidnapper stepping away from the stairs. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not sitting down if that's what your after." I let out an amused snort at my own comment.

"I wasn't going to ask you to sit down, you obviously don't have much patience for that type of thing. Besides I hadn't spoken to you. I was addressing Asher." I turned slightly to give him an 'are you fucking serious right now' look and, crossed my arms.

"I was trying to open this retarded as hell door and, I honestly don't care who you were addressing. I answered your question, be satisfied. Now, one of you open the door, or is it even a freaking door?" I threw my hands up rather dramatically upon my last sentence. 'Asher', I guess thats his name, laughed at me and I frowned at him.

"You are a funny little guy arn't you?" Amusement seeped from his words and I glared at his smiling face.

"I'm not little!" He only laughed harder at my obvious denial. I huffed and turned to the kidnapper. "Could you let me out of this flipping house?!"

"I'm afraid not. You see, if you had stuck around upstairs a little longer you'd know why but, you took off before I got the chance to tell you." He shrugged at me. I scoffed.

"What the hell did you plan to happen? Your silence would eventually engrave the story behind your cannibal like nature into my head?! Are you fucking serious?" I screetched. Damn I need to calm down before I turn into my mother. Thats a scary thought.

"No! I was just trying to find the right words to say! I didn't want you to just freak out and try to escape! But that was obviously a failed plan!" The kidnapper waved his hands around in an over dramatic gesture while he yelled at me. Somebodys getting angry.

"Well tell me now! Why the hell can't I leave?!" My voice scratched at my throat. Now I'm getting mad. 

"Because I bit you! I bit your neck!" He took a few steps towards me as he motioned towards my neck.

That's why I can't leave? Because he bit me? What? Does the guy got rabies or something? Am I gonna go rabid like a diseased dog and kill everything in my path? This is so ridiculous. Yeah it's a little weird that he bit me and al but really? What the hell? I shook my head in disbelief and gazed at him dumbly. His face belonged to the poster boy for seriousness right now. It dawned on me. What he really does have rabies and, now I'm going to go rabid and kill everything in my path?!?!? Oh my gosh!!! I'm gonna turn into a cannibal and eat everyone! I lept at the kidnapper and wrapped my hands around his neck.

Attempted to wrap my hands around his neck. As soon as I touched him I was against the wall squirming around trying to get out of his restraining arms while screaming profanitys at him.

"You deseased fucking phsycho! What the fuck do you think your doing? Going around biting people with your infested mouth! Let me down you fucking sicko! I can't believe you gave me fucking rabies! The first goddamn thing I'm gonna do when I turn cannibal is eat you, you fucking infested freak!" I struggled against his hold. I glared maliciously at the guy hoping it would scare him off. Wait. What?

He was laughing. Like really hard. The kind of laughing that went down when someone falls down in a really ridiculous way. His chest shook with his laughter. i stopped fuming, entranced by his image right now. For the first time I noticed his features. His haire was longish, kind of dropping past his ears in spiky littles tuffs. It was a deep black color, almost dark blue. His skin was really pale. Like mine. A smooth, flawless face was contorted into a fine display of amusement. He was beautiful. Like really beautiful.

Then I saw his ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2011 ⏰

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