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Will be OOC.
And fluff!

Light's P.O.V

I woke up feeling weight on my stomach. I looked down and saw jet black spikes draped across my body. I heard a groan and the black spikes snuggled closer. Arms appeared and rested on my chest, something told me that the hair and arms were attached to L. I reached my hands up and wrapped them around him. L groaned again and moved his head up and looked at me. "I thought insomniacs couldn't sleep?" I asked jokingly. L resnuggled back into me and closed his eyes.

"You were so warm, I didn't even try to stay awake." He replied. I smiled and kissed his rats nest filled hair.

"I heard a knock at the door last night. Who was it?" I asked. I saw L stiffen. "What?"

L's P.O.V

"It was police officers, they were looking for you." I answered quietly in Light's chest. I felt Light's arms tighten around my body.

"What did you say?" Light asked quietly, after a brief moment of silence.

"I lied and told them that I haven't seen you." I answered truthfully.

"Why?" Light asked, as he started to run his fingers through my hair. "Why didn't you turn me in?" My body moved. I shot my upper body up and looked at Light.

"Why would you even think that?" I asked. Light shrugged and turned his head.

"I'm dangerous. I've killed countless humans who I decided are rotten." Light said. I laid back down and cuddled up next to Light with my head nuzzled up in his shoulder.

"You know, I love you. Ever since I heard about you on TV, I was in love." I admitted shyly.

"You have? Why?"

"Because you are unique, different, smart, clever, and in some ways, kind."

"I got caught." Light protested.

"Smart people make mistakes." I said. I heard Light sigh. He wrapped his arms around my waist, I moved my head so it rested on Light's should.

"You are the kind one. Thank you." Light whispered. I felt Light shift under me. "And I guess, I love you too." That made me smile.

When it's a story like this, I like to add little drama and ending the chapter on a happy note, then when I think of it, I'll add a big problem or something, so this it's not the end of the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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