Zodiac House

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Scorpio's Day 1 Diary Entry

August 29, 2013

Fisrt Day at Boarding House

Just moved into the 'Zodiac House' today! Creative naming I know. Anyways, I found out that I'm some sort of embodyment of the constolation Scorpio, which I dont really get, but it does explain why my name is so weird.

The house is HUGE compared to my old one. Orion insists that it isn't a mansion, but I think he's just being modest. Honestly thouh, it's a really big place. Speaking of Orion, he's like the head of this place. I'm not sure if he's supposed to be our trainer, our teacher, or our baby-sitter, but he's a prety cool guy.

There are curently 7 other people in the house, and Orion says that four more will be coming in the next week. After we're all here, he'll explain more about whats up with this being a cluster of stars thing.

Virgo says it's time for diner now, so I'd better sign off. Hopefully I'll be able to write again soon!

AN: Hello anyone reading this ^.^ I hope you like this for a first chapter, the rest of the story will just be a bunch of short stories focusing on different characters (mostly Scorpio, Virgo, and Capricorn, but plenty of the other to) that will tell a bigger story over time. Updates every week. Please tell my how it is, this is my first story.

Edit: Yes, all the spelling mistakes are intentional. Scorpio is simply the type of person who doesn't pay much attention to spelling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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