Chapter 9

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Clary's pov:

From the moment i saw alec outside i knew he would safe me he brought me back home! When we got here magnus made sure he couldn't get to me and then left, as soon as magnus was gone i turned to face alec and started crying a second later i was in his arms "i will never let anything happen to you again i promise!" He said in a angry voice i looked up amd couls see the anger and determenation in his eyes "i promise" he said again and hold me thighter. When everything that happend the few weeks hit me like a rock i fell to my knees at least i would have done if alec didnt caught me and lifted me up and carried me upstairs to his room, he lay me in bed "can you lay next to me please" i said, before realizing i actualy said it out loud alec was already next to her. " if you ever need me for what ever when ever just call me, and i mean it" he said and i just started crying, he wiped my tears away with his thumb stroking her cheek gently. "Do you want to talk about what happend?" He asked gently, i sat up wiping my fave dry amd he sat up to and looked me in the eyes and i started telling everything from how he trained me ro how he would come to her room and would get on top of me and kissed me, when i told him that i saw the rage in his eyes he actualy really cares about me i thought "did he ever..-" "NO" i said quikly "he did try but i fought as if my life depended on it amd he gave up" i found myself saying, i didnt meant to say that ohgod ohgod i thought and the i was suprised by him pulling on his lap and hug me, and i hugged back as jard as i could, i didnt realize how much i meant to him or he for me "you'r so strong" he wispered and i felt tears rolling down my face again after an half hour "you really should get some sleep ill get you something to sleep in, want anything to eat or drink?" "Thanks and i could use some water" i said and kissed his cheeck and we both blushed. About 10 minutes he was back with one of his shirts, some pajama pants from izzy, a glass of water and an apple as he put everything on the nightstand. "Ill give you some tome to shower and change" he said kissed me on my forehead and left

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