Chapter 11

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Song of the day – Panic! At the Disco – Bittersweet




Chapter 11

Three weeks in and Lizzy still had to help Juice sit and stand almost ritually, every ten seconds he was up and down because of his impatient nature and his dislike for boredom, The couple were still together and stronger than ever throughout the period when Juice needed her most and although it was short timing and a little too fast she had let him move in with her as opposed to living in the clubhouse and watching him struggle and prevent his healing process any longer.
“You can’t leave me here” Juice whined at the woman that sat in front of her mirror braiding her side pony tail and watching his reflection warily in case he made any sign of movement that showed he was getting up
“Just watch me” She winked, her perfectly painted eyelashes batted beneath her finely plucked eyebrows something she had always took pride in, her eyebrows were femalely thick, squared at the beginning but thinning at the end but not too thick as to look like a bushy browed hunter.
“Can I at least come with you? You only have the kids for two hours today, I just want air” Juiced pretended to sob, throwing his comic book at Lizzy and huffing back in his tantrum, the shining sun on his naked body with only the black sheet hanging over his lower body whilst his hand held up one side of his head as it was propped up on his elbow.
“If you come then you’ll move up and about and I swear I can’t handle holding back on you any more than I already am in case I hurt you, you’re getting better but you still are healing, baby” She walked to the edge of the bed, crawling on all fours across to him as she spoke in her seductive purr.

He tipped his head back onto the plumped up pillow and groaned, knowing she was telling the truth and threw his hand over his eyes, Lizzy sat in nothing but her underwear and a white, thin, mid-thigh high satin robe that hung open to reveal all after a careful but nevertheless enjoyable night.
“Can I come and I won’t move that much, I promise” he finally sighed, pulling her hips onto his own so that she was straddling him, she bent down and kissed him, wanting to tell him she was in love with him at that very moment, an exclusive relationship full of public affection and constant reminders that he wanted to be with her and was proud to be seen with her public and to call her his old lady, the couple sitting in the bed with the sun blissfully soaking their tanned bodies that were dressed innocently in white but with not so innocent intentions, his face staring up at her with adoration and lust but she just couldn’t, scared of rejection and terrified he didn’t feel the same.
“FINE! I must sound so controlling” she sighed, falling off the side of his so only her left leg was slung over his waist
“You sound like you care” he rolled onto his side and looked into her eyes, kissing the end of her nose before rolling back over and sitting up with a groan, Lizzy sat up really fast and sat behind him, kneeling on the cushiony bed with her hands resting on his broad and muscled shoulders
“Are you okay?” She whispered into his ear, moving her hand down to his sides and helping him up although he didn’t think he needed it.
“I’m fine babe” He winked, turning and kissing her neck, her body spasmed and tingled as he lay her down so she was laying on her back, his body sliding above hers;  he kissed her collarbone and removed the robe from her soft skin. He was already naked and between her naturally parted legs (that being said in the nicest way possible) and warm atop of her cool body, she moaned loudly, feeling him above her underwear before he spasmed and groaned in pain
“Are you freaking kidding me” he winced, collapsing on top of her, she sighed and relaxed, letting her head tip off of the side of the bed
“Go get changed” Lizzy pointed towards the door, waiting for his shameful self to get off her and start walking slowly to the bathroom and letting the sheet drop from his waist and allowing his naked body to prance through the house he now lived in.

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