Night at the carnival

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"Isnt it a wonderful view from here?" Niall says, looking outside into the distance down below. 

From the faris wheel, people look like tiny little ants. They were so small. Like the small beginnings you and Niall had as friends. It then turned into a relationship and you and Niall were happy together as a couple for 3 years. 

You sat together, holding each others hands. 

It was new years eve so everyone was so excited for 12 midnight. You could tell Niall was too, considering he was looking at his watch continuously. 

2 minutes till New Year and we were a quarter way from the top of the faris wheel. You saw him fiddling with something in his pocket but decided to ignore it and look out the window. 

"Babe, Courtney, 30 seconds left till new year!" Niall said, looking at his watch, estimating the time left. 

People were counting down already. We could hear them from inside. "8, 7, 6" They chanted. 

We were nearly in a perfect position at the top of the faris wheel. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" before it hit 12, we reached the top and fireworks went everywhere. 

Niall suddenly knelt down in front of you, taking out the thing in his pocket you saw earlier. It was a box. He opened it saying, "Will you make this your new years resolution - to take my last name and use it as your own?", "Yes, yes, yes Niall! I love you!" you said jumping into his arms as after he slips on the ring onto your finger. "I love you too, Mrs. Courtney Horan." he said, smiling at you. 

He came onto you and kissed you, while music was on, fireworks bursting into the sky and people screaming of joy down below. It was the perfect moment to relive again.

I hope it was okay (:


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