Interviews & Babysitters |2|

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I woke up and went to Alexia's Room
I cracked the door open to see that she was sound asleep
I slipped the note under her door.
The note read
Hey little one once you read this note I will be gone
Someone will be there but not me
It's Jen say hello happily
Give her this note so you can understand!
-Love Mommy
I shed a tear as I read the Love Mommy part
I couldn't wait to adopt her tomorrow.
Also I have to tell my family but I don't know how.
I got dressed into my knitted black dress
And put on my black wedges
Put on makeup and left.
As I was going out I told Jen to take good care of her.
As I got in the car I got a call from my sister Anna.
An: Andrea! I can't believe you didn't tell me you were adopting a child!!!
Ar: who told you?
An: Whats her name?
An: send me a photo Kk
Ar: It's sent
An: Aw she's so cute!
Ar: did Jen tell you the story to?
An: yep
Ar: she's such a blabber mouth!
An:I'm so proud of you!!!
Ar: did you tell mom
An: yep
Ar: well I've got a interview
An: good luck
Ar:gotta blast!
*hangs up*
I got out of the car
And went inside the YouTube Interwiew area
And saw Youtubers like Mylifeaseva, Lohanthy and Connor Franta.
I was the first person to be Interviewed
I went Inside the Interview room
"So we are live with the wonderful Andrea Russett."
"And we are going to be doing a interview , so Andrea it's been a long time since you've been here."
"Wow I haven't seen you guys like in 2014 so two years."
"Yep and let's get to the questions."

And the Interviewer asked me questions
"So Andrea rumour has it that your adopting a child? Is this true?"
"Umm 100% percent true."
"What's her name?"
"Oh you will figure it out soon." I said in a mysterious voice
"Haha oh it's a mystery." The interviewer said while chuckling
"So are you and Kian going on strong?"

"Yes we are totally!"
"So is there going to be a sequel to Expelled?"
"I'm not going to leak or spread any rumours but maybe."
"So there is?"
"I can't Guarantee Dave." I giggled and then smiled.
"Anyway another rumour is that mr dreamy is cheating on you."
"Wow." I said in a shocked way
"No,no,no that's not true I know my cinnamon apple would never ever do that."
"Okay listeners call this number 987 335 007 for a chance to talk to Andrea Russett."
"In 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0."
"And the contest has ended."
"Lucky caller is named Alexia."
"Hewo radio person."
Wow this can't be it sounds like my Alexia.
"Hello Dave." Jen spoke.
"Wow guys what are you doing on the radio." I asked them
"Little Aleixa wanted to say hi she misses you." Jen explained.
"Aww thanks Aleixa."
"So Alexia's her name." Dave suspected.
"Hi Andwea I miss you mommy when are you coming back?."
"Soon sweetie."
"Okay bye mommy I love you."
"Love you."
Wove you to."
"Bye." Alexia said
"Bye."I said
"Aww she's so cute." Dave Said.
"So that was the end of our wonderful Andrea Russett."
"It was an honour having you back here at the YouTube lounge."
"Oh Dave don't worry it's my warmest welcome to be here."
"Aww thank you Andrea for your time."
"Coming up next the wonderful beauty guru Mylifeaseva." Dave spoke
Wow I wonder how Alexia and Jen are going?
Hey guys I really hoped you like this chapter I promised that there will be new chapters everyday but the power people were fixing my electricity no electricity means no internet so I wrote this chapter and forgot to fix it when my electricity turned back on I forgot to publish this chapter I'm so sorry anyway at least you still get a chapter~Shanelle

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