Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"...Sold for 3000 gold pieces". The four slaves stood in a row down the small corridor, watching the progress of the auction taking place in the room in front of them. There were no chains or binding on any of them, but a guard gripped each arm, keeping them from going too far, not that there was anywhere to go to.

After a relatively short journey the carriage had stopped, the doors opened and the slaves led carefully inside an ornate stone building. They were led down a flight of mahogany stairs before being taken into this corridor, a long line of slaves already ahead of them, all expensively dressed and surprisingly presentable.

It made quite a change for most of the four, not to be manhandled and pushed roughly around from place to place. This was the Special Auction, for special slaves, and clearly they would be treated as such.

As the final slave before the four was led into the auction room, the man saw Noah start to shake from the corner of his eye. 9 had also started chewing the nails and fingers and her free hand as they all took a step forward, moving closer to the entrance of the corridor.

Abey stood in front of him, her head still bowed and her arms limp by her side. He wanted to reach out and touch her, tell her everything would be fine, that it would all work out for the best; but he couldn't find the words to say. And he couldn't lie.

He watched in despair as the strange girl he had come to care for was led into the muted light of the auction room.

The auction room for the SA was large and circular, furnished with huge, plush armchairs around the centre set in a semi-circle for the various wealthy bidders to sit and watch as the auction progressed. The centre of the room was clear, a small pool of light illuminating the spot where the latest slave to be sold would stand, the chairs of the bidders drenched in shadows, making it hard to see their identities.

The only object in the centre of the room was a raised podium, where a young, handsome auctioneer would collect the bids for the slaves and keep the auction running smoothly.

"And now we have an excellent specimen here." The auctioneer announced to the room as Abey was led into the pool of light in the centre, his voice seeming to bounce around the dark and smoke-filled room. "Female, estimated age of 16 to 17, believed to have once worked for the Royal family. Signs of high obedience and willingness, skilled in her field, and may I daresay, quite the beauty" The Auctioneer flashed a winning smile around the room as a low murmur emanated from the bidders.

"We have a starting price from the current Master of 1000 gold pieces. Do I have any advance on 1000? Yes? 1500, very good sir. Do I see 2000? 2000. 2500? 2500, to the good sir. 3000 I see over there. 4000 now, very good, very good sir. Advance on 4- 5000! Excellent sir! Excellent. 6000 now. 6000 with the bidder there..."

Abey didn't raise her head throughout the bidding, but couldn't help listening in disbelief as the price rose higher and higher.

"15,000 gold pieces" A new voice echoed from the bidders. A voice Abey knew. Her head snapped up and she scanned the shrouded crowd for the owner of the voice, praying she was mistaken.

"Sold! Sold for 15,000 to the good sir" Abey continued to search frantically in the darkness as she was led from the pool of light and into the crowd towards her new Master. A low and disappointed murmur rose from the people around her but was quickly silenced by the arrival of the next slave to be sold.

"Next we have an extremely strong and as you can see, intimidating slave, perfect for those of you in need of protection or just..."

Abey stopped listening to the auctioneer. She stopped listening to the whispered hum of the bidders around her. The only thing she could listen to was the words of her new Master.

"Well, well. Seems we will have time for old friends after all, won't we...Abey"

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