i put the 'fun' in 'funeral'

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james POV

I sat with my grandma. the front row. her small hands, clutching my arm as tight as they can.  i didn't bother to look around, i hated funerals. there are always too many sad people. it's a bummer.

i could hear the sobs as my little cousin sang amazing grace. she forgot most of the words and mumbled the rest. i sighed as my shirt was stained with tears of the sad little lady next to me there were only a few people i didn't know. they were old friends of my dads, here to stare at his body.  Funerals are kinda creepy in a way, don't you think? i mean, you die and then a bunch of people you know just sit in a room, crying and staring at your body. i don't want a funeral when i die. i want people strictly to remember me as i was, alive. not when they sat in a room with a dead person in a box.

I don't know why but at this time i stood. my grandma looked at me "James! sit down sweetie! please!" she whispered. i shook my head. my cousin sat down with her mom and i walks up to the front. i slid my hands into my pockets and looked at everyone "Listen here, stop crying, OK? like just, stop! my dad never liked crying, i doubt he would wanna see you as messes in a room with his body...so please just like chill. think of my actual, stinking dad! not your pathetic weeping self's!"

i had never seen these people so shocked. my grandma's jaw was almost on the floor. she stood "James...sweetie..." she mumbled, shaking her head. her tiny feet set into motion and she walked out of the room. i simply shrugged.

"my dad died...I'm aloud to be a jerk..." i simply said. i sat back down as everyone around me stood. my grand dad stood and chased after my granddad. i knew what i did probably made her cry...was it wrong i didn't feel bad. it was the first time since my dad died that i actually expressed my feelings on the situation. i told people how i felt. if they cried, so what. i rested my arms on my knees. my head went down and my black hair prickled at my eyelids. i sat alone in the room...or at-least i thought i was alone. a person sat next to me. i didnt bother looking up. i didn't care who is was...

Emma's POV

I sat down next to this, James boy. he sat hunched over. The chair creaked under my and i looked at him. He didn't look up. "Um...Hello..."  i said. His head turned. He blinked and sat up. His deep blue eyes looking through me like a window, his black hair feel in front of my eyes, it was horribly messy.

He gave me a small glare "What?" he mumbledI raised my hands in protest "No need to be grumpy..."

he chuckled "Sorry...i've been alittle on edge today..."

I smiled "I understand...and hey, that was pretty cool...what you did up there...I don't think i could do that."

He shrugged "My dad deserved it...so um. who are you?" He asked. He tilted his head, confusion showing through his face.  i shrugged.

"Our parents were friends. so we aren't related." I replied. "Which is why we've never met." He nodded and we sat quietly. I looked around abit "I should probably find my parents..." i said with a sigh. He nodded. "Oh and hey...if you ever need to talk, here's my number. I'm here if you need me.: I smiled and pulled a pen from my pocket. I reached for his arm and he flinched. i gave him a soul piercing 'Are you kidding me?' look. he sighed and held out his wrist. I scribbled down my cell phone number on his wrist and slid the pen back into my pocket.

My name echoed down the hall and i sighed. mom...

with a simple wave i walked out of the room. i felt eyes piercing through me. but i slipped out of the door, running down the hall to find my parents.

James POV

I watched as the girl wrote on my wrist. She was quite pretty, i had to admit. Her fancy hand writing branded my wrist. ten little numbers and a name... Emma... Her name was called and she sighed. She then waved and ran from the room. i watched her ryn, her long blonde hair swaying against her back.

I felt a weird feeling in my stomache. i felt almost...sick. my chest ached and i smiled...for the first time in about a week i was smiling and it was her fault...

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