Act 1: Getting There

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"Ugh..." You groaned as you rolled onto your side, shielding yourself from the bright sun rays that entered from your window. But as your room became brighter, you groaned. "I just want one day to sleep in..." You mumbled.

Slowly, but surely, you hoisted yourself up and out of bed. Your feet shuffled across the creaky wooden floor of your room to your closet, which you flung open and grabbed the first thing you saw. Which was a white summer dress.

You tossed you (f/c) pajamas onto the floor and slipped into the nice, flowing dress.

Still groggy, you lazily walked over to your dresser. What laid on top was a hairbrush, hair accessories and papers. Papers of things you wrote as reminders, or letters, or just silly little doodles. Attached to the dresser was a mirror, a decently sized one too.

Taking the brush into your hand, you began to straighten out your messy bed head. Your (e/c) eyes looked at the papers that littered your dresser, until you spotted one you don't remember seeing before. Until all the other wrinkled papers, this one was nice and neat. After fixing your hair, you set the brush down and lift the piece of paper up. It read:


Do not forget that today is the big day! Shinra scouts are coming into town today! You have to make sure your in the town square, or you won't be able to join for about another 4 years! Hurry up!

From, yourself.

It all suddenly hit you hard in the face, like getting hit by a baseball bat. You wrote this to yourself as a reminder yesterday afternoon, right before your friends decided to take you out to celebrate. They had full confidence you'd make it into Shinra, and took you out for a night of fun.

You head whipped around to look at the clock that hung next to your window. It read 8:30. The Shinra scouts would be leaving your town at 9. This only gave you 30 minutes to get down to the town square, and it was always crowded.

You silently cursed yourself as you dashed about your room, slipping on a pair of white pumps to match your dress and trying to make sure you didn't need anything else.

Coming to the conclusion there wasn't anything you missed, you dashed out of your room, down the hallway and out of the door of your apartment. You went down even more stairs, since you were on the second floor, and ran down the street. You were going so fast, people who saw you swore your feet never touched the ground, but they were.

There were obstacles in your way, like a cart or crate, but you either swiftly avoided them or jumped right over them like a hurdle.

"Please be there, please be there..." You repeated in your thoughts. This was your once chance to be apart of something big, something you thought would give you a rush, and make ever more friends that before. Your were tired of being a waitress, serving scum that passed through town, doing whatever they wanted to the people. You wanted to protect this town, and many others of such people. Shinra was just the place to do so.

As the lovely fountain that stood in the center of the town square came into view, you smiled slightly and tried to run even faster. "Almost-"

*****Tiny time skip*****

"Please, just please give me a chance." You pleaded with a man who was loading a box onto the back of a truck. "I've waited so long for this opportunity, if you could just-" "I'm sorry ma'am, but it's too late. You should have been here on time." He sighed as he loaded the last box onto the truck. "Besides, such a life isn't for a pretty girl like you." He started to walk towards the driver side of the truck and you followed him.

"Please. I may be a girl, but I can handle it! Sir, please!" You tried to stop him from closing the door on your face but he was already in the truck, starting the vehicle. There was someone in the passenger seat, but you were too focused on the driver.

"No, lady, you can't." "Sure she can." Said the passenger. The driver looked at him, "B-But sir, she wasn't even here-" "If she thinks she can do it, then let her. It's her funeral." You stepped to the side a little to get a better look at the man. His face was covered by a book, titled 'Loveless' and he seemed to be deep in the book. All you could tell about him was the had brunette hair.

The driver sighed and used his thumb to point at the back of the truck. "Hop in, and try not to ruin anything." The look on your face must of said 'Fuck yeah!' Because the driver snorted a little. You happily ran over to the back of the truck, placed one hand on top of the side and swung yourself over.

Once in, you sat between two boxes out of the 8 you counted. With a grin on your face, you pulled you knees up to your chest and hugged them there. You were so very happy right now, nothing could dampen your moon.

With a loud horn like sound coming from the truck you were currently riding in, a bunch of other trucks turned on their engines and followed your truck out of town.

You watched as the town you grew up in became smaller, and smaller, and smaller until it looked like a hazy speck in the now afternoon sun.

Your smile never faded as you looked up to the blue sky, daydreaming about how much your life was about to change.

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