Chapter 1-2

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November 1, 2020 (Continuation)

        When did the rules of survival change? No longer was the richest man on top of the chain. It all didn't matter anymore. Was Earth retaliating? Is this our punishment?

     "My name is Earl. This is our community. Who are you?" I stared at him absent-mindedly. He stretched his arms in we-come-in-peace kinda way. "We haven't seen a living in many months. Please, come in." They were all huddled up in the living room, which had nothing, but beds on the floor.

    "Why didn't you go with them?" Earl had sadness hidden in his eyes. I could see his external strength and internal weakness. "The military came to each town and promised everyone safety. They took them to camps with medicine and food. Children and women were first to go. We decided together to stay. I heard the camps were a trap. As a family, we stay together and die together. " His wife approached and started to bandage my wounds.

    "Thank You, I'm Abigail. I'm looking for my younger sister, Jane. She left to camp in California before this started. I need to find the fastest way to get there." Earl handed me a water bottle and pulled out a map.

    "The fastest way there is this highway. Stay on it till you reached Dallas and travel up to this route until Oklahoma City. Then, you reached this highway and stay till you arrived in California. It should take you two months with no conflicts. I would give you the map, but it's all we have." How can a stranger be so trusting? Was it because I'm a girl? How could I possibly be any threat? 

November 4, 2020

Location: Interstate 20, AL

Time: 1 PM

    It has been ages since I felt a warm bed. The softness of my pillow -which you tried to steal, is all I can think about. I remember we used to sit in the backyard on the clearest night and stared at the stars. Sometimes, I look at night and hope to see the brightest stars again.

    The days have passed by as I desperately look for food. I'm afraid if I leave the highway I would lose my way. If I want to live and find you, I have to do it. I finally decided to pursue the search for food. I noticed from far away a smoke in the distant. There it is, that's my chance. The fire was only a couple of miles away.

Time: 5 PM

     I rushed as quickly as I could to the fire. Something, isn't right? A couple of dozen undeads were rushing into the fire. I have never seen such an image. I took the advantage and went inside a convenient store, close by. Whoo hoo! Jackpot! There were tons of food-mostly expired- but I did manage to find can foods and cereal. I packed as much as I could fit into my bag. Walking out of the store, I noticed someone running away.

Time: 9 PM

     "Wait!" I started to chase after that person. They could be lost just like I am. A wandering soul, trying to stay alive. The chase lead us to a high school building. A horde of undeads suddenly appeared. I pulled my handgun and shot as many as I could. Oh, crap! This time, I really got myself into a situation. In desperation, I climbed up onto a nearby car. Lucky, there was a couple of cars I could jump onto. Above the final car, there was a fire escape ladder. I climbed up and saw an open window. I was inside a classroom, to be specific, a science class. Examining the room, I heard footsteps outside the door.

    "You don't have to hide from us. I heard you come in. That's the same way I came in." He was a guy no younger than I am. He wore a hooded jacket and blue jeans. His hair was messy and growing longer than he's probably used to.

    "I was chasing you."

    "I know and I lead you here."


     "Because, you were also looking for food. We all are here to survive. We could always use more hands. "

      "I was about to die."

      "No, you weren't. You're here, right? That's good enough."

      "What is this place?"

      "Follow me, I'll show you." He took me through the halls of the school. Each room had a family living inside. "I'm Jasen. This school is our sanctuary. We all have a role to play. I search for food. "

     "Were you responsible for the fire?"

    "Yes, I was. We try to keep them away from us and it helps signal others that we are here. You can stay here as long as you want."

     "Hey, Jas! Who's that?" A girl was standing in front of the door. She wore a long white dress and cowboy boots. "I'm Savannah. Nice to meet you in this apocalyptic world." Her hair was tied up in a ponytail. "If you want, I could give you some clothes. I was able to bring most of my clothes."

    "Thank You, I'm Abigail. I'm actually searching for my sister, in California." We spend hours talking about my plan to search for you. Eventually, I was able to have a bed next to Jason and Savannah.  The night was young, but I couldn't see any stars. I hope wherever you are, your safe with dad. 


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