Chapter Eight

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                                                               "But now friends are acting strange..."

                                                                                  - Joni Mitchell

"Hi Meg!" Nate plunked himself into the chair across from me. I hadn't missed the bus for a change, and I was sitting in the library alone. It would be another five or ten minutes until any of my other friends showed up.

"You're here early this morning!" I looked up from my book and smiled.

"Not any earlier than you," he pointed out.

"True." So much for my snappy greeting.

"Whatcha reading?" He tilted his head trying to read the small print upside-down.

"History. I have a quiz third period." I made a face.

Nate picked up one of my folders and held it up. It was one I'd bought at the Penn State bookstore. "Penn State? Is that one of the places you applied?"

This was the first conversation we had ever had about our futures. We usually stuck to physics or school happenings when we talked between classes. "Yup. Actually, it was the only place I applied – and they have rolling admission, so I've already been accepted."

"That's great! It must take some of the pressure off senior year."

This conversation was starting to sound familiar. "Yeah, it is nice. But how about you? Where are you applying?"

"Harvard," he said. I can't say I was surprised to hear this. He wrinkled his nose, "My dad and grandfather both went there. Family tradition. So basically, I'm screwed if I don't get in." He smiled wryly. "Anyway, I applied early admission and I'm still waiting to hear back."

"Well, I'm impressed!" Despite the pressure I knew must be on Nate, I knew he'd get in. He was one of the smartest people I knew.

"Don't be," he laughed. "I'm not in yet!"

"Forgetting your family for a minute, is Harvard really where you want to go?"

"I think so. And they do have a good physics department."

"Is that what you want to major in?"

"Yes," he said with certainty. "How about you?"

"I think I want to major in astronomy. Though I'm starting to think it will involve more math and physics than I had originally thought."

We sat silent for a minute.

"Not to change the topic from physics," Nate said, " But, do you know that new arcade that opened on Route 17? The one we were talking about the other night?"

"Yeah, GameWorld?"

"That's the place. was wondering if you'd want to go this weekend. If you're not too busy, I mean."

"Sure! That would be cool." I tried to sound casual, but mostly failed.

Nate looked relieved. "Cool," he repeated my words. "To tell the truth, I got here early so I could talk to you before your friends got here." He gave me an embarrassed smile.

I smiled back, not quite knowing what to say.

"Well, I've got to talk to Mr. Thomas before first period starts. I'll see you in gym?"

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