"Hello There!"

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Sky introduced herself to the young man when he was done singing. "My name is Sebastian. What's yours?" He asked. She started to get nervous but she told him that her name us Sky. "That's a really pretty name for a girl like you." He said as he smiled. "Thanks! I like your name too." She started to giggle. "Is it ok to hang out with you for a while.....?" She asked him. "Sure! That would be cool." Sky sat there with Sebastian and sang along with him. She lost track of time and when she looked at her phone it was 11:00pm. She wanted to stay there with him for a lill bit longer but it was getting late and she needed some sleep. Sky tapped on Sebastian's shoulder to get his attention. "I really hate to leave but I need to go home." She told him. She was sad that she had to leave. Maybe she would see him again. "Are you going to be out here tomorrow night?" She asked him. "Yes."Sebastian said to her. "Can I possibly get your number before I leave....?" Sky asked Sebastian. He noded an put his number in her phone. They gave each other a hug and said thier farwells and she left. She walked back to her car and went home. When she got home, she changed into her night clothes and layed in her bed thinking about him. She wanted to text Sebastian but she didn't want to do it to soon she waited till morning. She layed on her bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

More stories to come soon. I hope you like what I've written so far. :) Don't forget to vote an leave a comment of what you think so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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