The plan

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When I got home I ate dinner and than Sachiy came over as the plan would take place tonight. We both told our parents that there was a summer camp thing in the library for a week.

As soon as we left my house we went to the beach and rented a raft for a whole week. Sachiy past me a bag with water and food, phone, flashlight and headtoarch. I thanked Sachiy and paddled of on my journey I started the timer.

It was one Am and I sat on my board to take a break I took the bag off my back and looked through it. At the bottom there were some chips that I ate but next to the chips was a book called" the unanwrable" Sachiy must have put it in there.

The book made think how courageous and independent I am. After my break I took some headphones and listened to music while I sailed on. It got late and later and I could not see land. I checked the time it was 8:42 I had been sailing all night. I could see up ahead the water was kinda rough but I did not mind. I was getting very tired but I could not stop now as I got closer and closer I saw it, it was a storm but I was to far out to do anything about it my raft started to shake and wobble back and forth as the storm grew ominously closer. I Could not do anything I just had to keep going. It got harder and harder. close in front of me was a huge wave. The storm had suddenly hit. I was scared for my life . There was thunder and lightning my raft was bearly holding in. Until the wave came and nocked me off my board. Than I realised the wave had taken my paddle so now it would be in possible to use my board. So I had to swim.

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