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" Bella!" My mom yelled " Time for dinner!"

" Coming!" I shouted back....

Wait let me tell you about my self.
My name is Arabella Warner  but my mom calls me Bella, but my best friend  Ardon calls me Ara.
I have long blonde hair and blue eyes and I'm 16 and just got my driver license!! I just adore Jack Johnson!Well that's enough about me
A/N ( pretend he's 17... I know he isn't tho but pretend!)
I was walking downstairs when I got a text message...
Ar💙- hey
Me- what's up Ar?
Ar💙- nothing I'm bored meet me at Dairy Queen 6:30?
Me- sure bye

I put my phone away and I said hi to my mom and dad.
" How's school Bella?" My dad asks, I rolled my eyes.

" School is fine... For school I guess." I said, my dad sighed.

"Let's eat!" My mom said cheerfully but it was forced. See the problem between my parents and I is that they have to go on business trips all the time and I never get to see them until now they got a month off and it's almost over then back to me myself and I.

" Sorry dad. I have to go to Dairy Queen with Ar." I waved bye and drove to Dairy Queen.
I parked my car and I spotted Ar right away!

" Hey Ar!" I shouted to my best friend.

" Hey Ara! I was dying of boredom!"

" At least you didn't die." I said giggling.

" Hello what would you like today?" Asked a DQ worker, I looked at the menu.

" I will have a cookie dough medium sized blizzard."

"That would be $5.56." I handed him the money and waited for Ar to be done.
We finally sat down and just talked.

" Are you excited for school on Monday?" Ar ask me.
I groaned " Let's not talk about school." She smiled and continued to eat her ice cream.

" Well it's getting late I should go." I told her, " Text me when you get home Ar." I gave her a hug and drove home.
I opened the door and shouted " I'm home."

" Bella come her please." My mom called from the kitchen.
I walked in there and I saw my mom, dad and a weird man.

" This is Phil Cathaway." ( a/n I don't know the manager person) I nodded and said hi. "He is the manager for Jack and Jack" My eyes went wide.." And we want you to fake date Jack Johnson."

" Wait why?" I was confused.

" Because Justine Morrin his girlfriend isn't good for his image."

" And I am!?" I nearly shouted.

He sighed and said " Well yes.. Meet me at Olive Garden tomorrow at 5:30."

I nodded then he said his goodbyes.

I quickly texted Ar everything.. She was so supported, I got in my pjs and went on Instagram to pass time till I fell asleep.

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