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A word I can describe very well, that one word I never thought of as a good way. It was always a negative word to me, even if people say that life is good or life is perfect. Well they're wrong, my life wasn't always anything normal. It was full of chaos and insanity, sadness and arguments, humiliation and full of regret. I thought, the first day I went to school that my life was gonna be amazing! Well, I thought wrong.

Aside from being a class clown to everyone, I'm also a slave of my mom. Always being bossed around and getting abused by her. She wasn't always like this. She truly loved and cared for both me, Alex Evans and my sister, Jamie Evans. Until, that day when my dad passed away, when our old house got burned, my mom never forgot that moment. Now, she feels lonely and uncared for, even if she has us, her daughters.

Day after day, mom got meaner and bossier so she hurts us physically and mentally. I never loved her again, I always wished for her to disappear, but she never did, and she never will. I always to the dirty work, the hard work while she justs puts her fat ass on the couch and drinks her frickin beer! Hell, I even do the plumbing and fix the roof! Isn't being hit by your mom everyday enough? Instead of doing all the work?!

I also get bullied a lot in school. Ms. Popular, Elizabeth Bines, she's the most gorgeous and most popular girl in the entire school! Everybody loves her, she's practically the most perfect person ever! I bet even her entire life is perfect(besides her grades)! I always envy her, but I try not to interfere with her insane brain. She has always humiliated, bullied, and teased me year after year. Ever since the 6th grade, she hurt me and yet no one cared for me, not until I met Jane Hamilton. She's my best friend, as well as Kiara Wilson. Counting my sister they are the only comfort I have left ever since, my dad died, my mom tortured me, and Elizabeth hating me, I was  torn into bits and I'll never have any happy thoughts ever again.

I'll never be happy, I won't have any real comfort.

Not now, not ever in my entire life.

If I had a real one.


Sorry for a short prologue people, but we hope you are very interested with my story and we hope all of you will read it and continue to because chapter one is coming soon! ;3

I hope all of you enjoyed reading "This is Life" the prologue! Please vote wisely, and you are free to follow us! Thx, Pentatoes!

Love, Awesome_Sisters123 :3 #Brotatoes

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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