Star Wars Fan Fiction: In The Shadow Of Vaon

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Tim walked around in the temple. He was a bit tired, but happy nonetheless. He had just been promoted to a Jedi knight, and was ready for a mission.

"Tim, here! Come here now!" "Huh?" Tim said. "Oh, Plo Koon! How are you doing?" "Tim, since you've been promoted to a Jedi knight, and you're going on your first mission, the council has decided to give you a padawan." "Eh, Plo... You're kidding now, right?" "No Tim, I am not joking. Here, meet her. Her name is Jawada. It's pronounced ja-va-da. Say hello Jawada." "Hello..." "Eh... Well hello padawan! I'm sure we're going to become great friends!" "Sure..." Well, I'm just going to leave you two for now. Grand Master Yoda will send you a hologram message when the mission will start. Bye!"

"Eh, Jawada, can't we just talk for a second? I know you that probably have had a hard time, but c'mon man! Can't we just be friends?" "Man...? I'm female..." "Oh... Well, eh, sorry... I guess?" "*sigh*... Well... What colour is your lightsaber?" "My lightsaber? Oh, it's blue. Y'know, I am proud of being a Jedi guardian." "Huh." But as they speak, Tim gets a hologram message from Grand Master Yoda. "hello Tim. How are you doing, hmm? Ready for your mission yet, hmm? Oh, I can see, a padawan you have. How is he doing, hmm?" "My padawan? Oh, I think he's doing fine. And my mission? Yeah, I'd say we're ready for it." "Good. Outside the temple, your ship is. Accompanied by a platoon of clone troopers, you and your padawan will be. Have a nice day." "Well Jawada, looks like our mission is about to start!"

The mission Tim, Jawada, and the platoon of clone troopers are going to, is a mission to conquer a temple inhabited by Sith, who has taken and captured a lot of slaves.

As Tim and Jawada walked to the ship, Tim couldn't help but feel annoyed. Why wouldn't his padawan listen to him? Why wouldn't his padawan talk to him? He just couldn't take it anymore. "Jawada?" "Yes?" "Why won't you talk to me?" "Because I don't like you. That's why." Tim stood there. Both sad and angry. Why had Plo Koon given him a padawan that hated him? Why did his padawan hate him? Tim opened started up the ship. "Get in." "K".

As they arrived the battlefield, Tim saw the platoon of clone troopers that would accompany them for the battle. "Hello Jedi. How are you doing?" "Hello. You must be the leader of this platoon. What's your name?" "I'm Commander Thunder. Nice to meet you. And this is your padawan?" "Yeah, his name is Jawada. Say hello Jawada." "No." "Jawa"-"nah, it's okay. He's probably had a hard time. The droids will arrive in about five minutes. It'l be a hard fight, but I think we can do it."

"General, I can see the droids in the horizon. We better get ready." "OK Thunder. Everybody, stand up in a line." "Okay general!" As everybody stands up, Tim starts talking. "We all know why we're here. To protect Tatooine. And this speech is ending here. Because the droids are arriving, and it's time to crush the Sith's!" "Okay general!" "Now run down to battlefield and fight!"

As Thunder runs to the battlefield, he starts thinking over why he's here... "I can't believe I'm actually fighting again. I lost one of my best friends last time, and I just can't take it anymore. They're here! FIGHT!"

As the battle rages on, Tim can't take it. The droids are pushing on way to hard. He can't take it anymore. "I've had enough!" Tim says, as he force pushes most of the droids away. But as the droids go down, there comes a shadow in the background. And he has two red lightsabers. "Pathetic Jedi. I'll crush you like bugs." "Who are you-" but before Tim can finish his sentence, Vaon runs over and kills a clone trooper. "I. Am lord Vaon. And I'll crush you like a bug." Thunder stands there in shock for a second, and then he started shouting: "YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND YOU BASTARD! YOU KILLED Z2! YOU DESERVE TO DIE!" Then, Commander Thunder drops his blaster, and to the surprise of both Vaon, Tim, and Jawada, Thunder pulls up a lightsaber and ignites it

"Oh, a clone commander with a lightsaber, huh? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen that before!" "And this will be the last time you see one as well! Die motherf*cker!" But Thunder's lightsaber swing is easily dodged by Vaon. "You shouldn't swear. It's not nice, and can actually be considered quite rude." Then Vaon says to Thunder in a very calm voice. "Sorry mate, but it's time to die."

But just as Vaon swings his lightsaber to deliver the final blow; Jawada jumps in and blocks it. "Ja-ja-Jawada...?" Said Thunder. "Huh... The little padawan saves the big guy... How cliché..." "I don't care Vaon... But you do not ki-" but before Jawada can finish his sentence; Vaon strikes his lightsaber... "Die... Like the little crybaby that you are..." But then, Tim jumps in and blocks the swing. 

"Sorry Vaon, but killing people is not considered okay. And definitely not-As Tim is in the middle of his sentence, he knocks down and cuts Vaon's lightsabers in half-killing. My padawan. Now you're the one who's going down! Jawada; force push him down to the ground! I know you can do it! "... Of course!" As Jawada force pushes Vaon, Tim starts talking to Commander Thunder. "Now Thunder! Go in for the kill!" "No! We can't kill him!" ".........did ya really think I was serious? Just put your lightsaber over his throat so he can't move!" "Oh, of course!" "Heh... Looks like you got me." Said Vaon. "Well, you see... I don't have time for this. Bye!"

And then there comes a wall of smoke out of nowhere, and when it disappeared, Vaon was nowhere to be seen. "Whe-where did he go?" Said Thunder. "I've seen it before." Said Jawada. "It's called force teleport. A very high level Sith technique." "Really? I've never heard about that before." Said Tim. "Well we don't have time for this. We need to fly back to the temple, and report to the council that the mission was unsuccessful." "What do you mean? We can free the slaves now-" "No. There are still hundreds of droids inside the temple. We can't free them. The mission was unsuccessful."


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