Chapter 10: Friday (EDITED ADDED MORE)

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Aha I hope that got your attention and your not skipping my author's note but anyways hi my fellow readers, I would like to say thank you for reading so far. Is it too much to ask you guys to tell me your opinion about everything? Comment, like, even negativity. I really don't care but feedback would be delightful. I know that this book is going so long with developing the conflict, I'm mid struggling with character developing. I would like you to know more about the characters before getting into the plot.

I prefer to read books that tease and go slower with romance, so I hope my chapters aren't as slow and longing but a perfect tease for my perverts. But after this chapter is finished I wont post for a bit. I want to increase views while I write a few chapters beforehand. This chapter will obviously be longer than chapter 9. I hope you guys enjoy, like and comment c: !!!!!!

Currently in my 2nd block class.

It's 2:30 pm. It's friday and I'm waiting for Quinn to come pick me up from college. We are going shopping to find a dress for my Mother's party tomorrow. The mall is a little out of Birmimgham so we are leaving as soon as she picks me up. Also haven't spent any time with Quinn for a while so it would be good girl time and good time away from Ansel, while he deals with his mother. I walk outside of college now to wait for her.

I see a vehicle move towards me. I try to look inside but the windows are tinted, its a shiny huge car. Looks like a BMW. It parks right in front of me. I step closer as the window rolls down. Surprisingly it's Quinn in the driver's seat. "Surprise!" She squeals getting out of the car to come to hug me. I watch her as her small petite body grab on to mine, squeezing.

"Try to keep me from passing out would ya?"

Quinn let's go of me. She has a huge smile plastered on her face. She's wearing a green crop top that compliments with her copper orange hair. She has a white lace kimino and her high waisted shorts on. She's perfection in my eyes even when she's just wearing a tank and sweats. I smile and graze at the huge car.

"Where did you get this thing?" I gesture towards it.

"Oh this? The Sugar Daddy gave it to me for massaging his crusty toes." I nudge her. "They didn't have a cheaper sports car so I got the next best thing, you like?" She jokes while getting back inside.I laugh.

"Yeah, but it's a little flashy for you." I open the door letting myself up on the soft looking cushions which honestly felt like heaven.

"I can rock flashy." Quinn goes around to sit in the driver's seat. Once she gets there she quickly lifts her top showing the bottom crease of her breast making me jerk it back down immediately.

"No that's slutty?" I look out of the windshield and see two freshman boys looking at Quinn like there lions and she's a piece of meat on a platter. Quinn catches my glimpse and winks at the boys. "Don't even."

"What? There is nothing wrong with looking. Plus they're kinda cute." She twirls her hair in her finger.

"They are probably 18, if not younger." I state.

"So? Still legal." She licks her lips and I look away in disgust.

"You know I'm kidding X, besides I don't want to be in another relationship." She starts the car while I nod at her response. Quinn..

She's been on and off with this guy that WAS her steady boyfriend. Now he only calls her if he needs a quick booty call or someone to call "his." Even though she doesn't admit it she always falls for it and gets hurt in the end. Then she runs back to him like a maid or something. I love her but she shouldn't be so stupid, even if she does love him he never will feel the same way again. I try to avoid bringing it up to her. I hate seeing her sad.

Iniquity (The Sinful Erotic Trilogy #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora