Chapter 49

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He held my hand as we took a stroll around the lab in the opposite direction Iris had went.

We talked for a little while so I could get my mind off of my now half empty apartment until Cisco called us back over the loud speaker.

"An anti-telepathy strip uses magnetic resonance to neutralize any foreign neurological stimulus," Cisco explained in his nerd talk as he handed both Barry and I our own devices, Barry's being red and mine being blue of course.

"So it'll protect them from being mind controlled?" Iris confirmed in a question.

"That's the hope, but we have no way of knowing if it actually works," Caitlyn bit her lip.

I looked at Barry who was already looking at me. I nodded. "It'll work."

There wasn't much of pause as the computer started beeping.

"The tracker just came online," Cisco called out and rushed towards the screen. "We have Grodd's location."

Barry quickly put on his suit and stood in front of Iris. "Of all the times I imagined you being here, it was not like this."

She nodded in understanding. "Get my dad back."

Barry nodded and turned to me as I was still in my normal clothes.

"The only thing I could look forward to today to make myself feel better," I said as everyone looked at me with confusion.

I gripped the sides of my buttoned up shirt and tore the buttons off revealing the symbol on my suit.

"Wicked," Cisco grinned.

I grinned back and the rest of my clothes were left in a pile on the ground as I grabbed Barry's hand and raced off to get Joe back.

"Kate, what's your ETA?" I heard Cisco ask in my ear.

"We're in position," I answered as we skidded to a halt that would put us at 5.3 miles away from Grodd.

"Wait for my signal," Cisco commanded.

I looked at Barry who told me to put on my head thing now. I attached it to my head which felt weird awkward.

"Here let me check," Barry offered and readjusted the device so it fit better. "There, you ready?"

"Hell yea I am," I smirked. "Let's go kick King Kong's ass."

"Remember, stay on my right," Barry said and I nodded and waited for Cisco's call.

"Hit it!" he yelled.

We took off and made sure to run at the same pace, but as fast as we could. As we entered the sewers, my adrenaline was running high, and before I knew it, we were launching through the air towards Grodd.

But our super sonic punch was a super sonic let down as Grodd grabbed Barry's outstretched fist and flung him to the side which caused me to miss the big animal and fly smack into the back wall of the sewer.

I steadied myself and stood up. Barry was on the ground, his head piece lying next to him. I quickly used my speed to put it back on him.

"Uh, oh," I mumbled as we faced Grodd.

"Here we go," Barry said at the same time.

Grodd was starring intently at Barry who told Cisco the headset was working. His big eyes moved to mine and I figuratively let out a breath of relief.

"Okay, try some speed punches on him," Cisco suggested.

We tried but it didn't even phase the animal.

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