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Ma'kayla pov

So today im meetin king his mom is blac chyna so im very excited i got up and walked to my closet and picked out (mm) than i went to my shoe closet and picked out my white Fruity pebbles foams i went and took a shower when i got out i brushed my teeth and washed my face than i put on underwear and lotion i put on my outfit and than put on no show socks and then put on my shoes i braided my now curly hair into 2 braids than i grabbed my phone and put money i had inside of my shoes i grabbed my black jacket and wrapped it around my waist than walked doan stairs when i got down stairs food was on the table it was waffles nutella eggs grits bacon saugage strawberrys bananas orange jucie and apple jucie i grabbed a plate and put waffles eggs grits bacon and strawberrys on my plate i can't. Eat sausage because they are foin to get between my braces and im allergic to banannas i grabbed the syrup and put it on my eggs and waffles and ate after i was done eatin i put my plate and silverware in the dish washer i got a cup and put some apple juice in it and drunk it than it was a knock on the door i opened than blac chyna and king was there i called tyga downstairs and things were kinda akward than blac chyna said that she is my mom i was kinda shocked at first than out of nowhere i felt rage i dint notice i was cryin till salty tears touched my lip i ran upstairs into my room and stayed in there i silently cried into my pillow i heard my door open and than the bed kinda dipped in i looked to my right and tyga was there i stared into space while playin with my fingers he picked me up snd sat me on his lap ans said i habe to speak to her i said i didnt want to because she left me and probably didnt tell my biological father about me.... All i want to kno is why did i have to be givin up at such a young age i kno im not that old now but im almost 10 i could have went with my biological grandparents i just wanted to be loved all these years i would wait to see if my parenys where comin to get me or if i was even goin to get adopted *start cryin* than tyga said that she might have a reasonable reason she gave you up and prolly didnt tell your father about you or he prolly saod you wassnt his idk put just hear he out and if you want we can all get dna test i said okaii and hopped on tyga back so we can go down stairs he sat on the couch i went into the pantry and got fruit snacks and Arizona mango punch i went and sat down by him blac chyna was sittin in front of us feedin king a burger and fries i sat back and eyed her before i finished my fruit snacks i went upstairs and grabbed my princess necklace and put it on i walked downstairs like nothin happened when she saw the necklace her face was priceless i couldn't help but laugh i played games on my phone and after a while she said she wanted to talk i got up and she followed me to my room we sat on my bed and i told her she can sit where ever she wanted she sat on my pink bean bag chair


Bc=blac cyhna mk=Ma'kayla

Bc:the reason i gave you up for adoption was because i was too young and my parents hated tyga because i always wanted to be around him he was my forst love and i let him take my virginity when i did he didnt use protection and i got pregnant with you i was too scared to tell him i was pregnant with you so i took online classes and my dad hid me from the world cuz he was ashamed of me and my mother was also so for 9 months i didnt have any fresh air just the air coditionin and when you did come i wanted to give you your dad last name so you kind of had a clue who your father was i raised you until you were one my parents saidi could either kill you sale you or give you up for adoption i wanted to be able to see you again so i gave you up for adoption i gave you a necklace so you would have sonmmething to remember me by thats the necklace now im glad i finally have you ,you dont have to move with me i just want to see you more often

Me:woww i didn't expect all that to happen

By now she was in tears i gave her a hug than we walked down stairs i officially mey king we went to the mall and after the mall just incase we got a dna test and payed for fast results turns out thry both are my parents and king is my full brother could life be better

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