Chapter 1 - Let's begin

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Your P.O.V

I don't know how long it's been, a year, maybe ten? I am always in the dark. For some reason I find it peaceful. But I still miss him. Everyday he crosses my mind. 'Is he working on a story to bring me back? Will I ever see him again?' I couldn't stop thinking about it. I have no idea where my sister is. She is somewhere in the darkness. I could barely feel the chains on my wrists and ankles. My body was numb to the coldness here. It was as if I never left. I miss the warmth there. I miss his smile, his voice, his dark forest green hair that reminded me of a pine tree forest in the middle of winter. So dark, so beautiful. Yet so far away.

Fakir's P.O.V

It's been a year since I last saw (y/n). I wanted to wait until I finished school before I wrote a story on her coming back to me. Well a year has passed, I graduated from the school and now I'm heading home to begin the story. I will bring her back. I'm not sure what to write yet. But I know I won't allow her to suffer.

I walk slowly into my house, my own personal house. Its right outside of town, just a little bit in the forest by a lake. I wanted it to be here, it would help for me to think. I unlocked my door and stepped inside. Slowly I went over to a shelf that was full of writing paper. I sharpened a pencil and grabbed a bunch of sheets of paper. I headed outside to where I had a table. Taking a seat I prepared myself for my story. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out as I thought about (y/n). 'Perfect'. I put the pencil to the paper and started writing. I wrote how she would be freed and find her sister, while also finding a way back to me. I wrote as long as I could. I know its going into action write now, but its getting dark out. I gather up my things and head inside. I will continue first thing in the morning. I need dinner and sleep before I can continue. I set everything down on a side table inside. I sigh and grab bread from my cabinet. I set it down as I grab some sliced tomatoes and other ingredients to make a fine sandwich. I wasn't in the mood to cook officially, so this will have to do.

After I ate I went straight to bed. 

Darkness (Sequel to Time and Space!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن