Akward Situations.

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Hi!! I apologize for not updating in a while, but as I have said before, I lack internet access. Also, I realize that I screwed up the picture of Aska at the top of the first charter I think. I'll try to add it to this one. Again I would like to say that I do not own bleach, this is nonprofit, and please excuse any and all typos. Grazi! And enjoy!

Grimmjow's p.o.v.

We sat on her queen sized bed after a grew hours of her kicking my ass at Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3. I had set the controller beside me and rubbed my hand, sore from rapidly smashing the buttons in a desperate attempt to survive this digital assassin. "What's wrong, Grimm?" She asked cheekily. "Your hand hurt or something?" I shook out my hand and pouted slightly. "No..." She laughed, a soft bubbling sound.
When we had first started playing, we'd been going against other people online. I hadn't realized how good she was when I had challenged her to one on one. Now, I wholly regret that decision. I stood up and stretched my cramped limbs, running a hand through my pale blue hair. "What time is it?" I asked as I turned to gaze down at her. She picked up her black Motorola and flicked it on. "7:30." Came the slightly disappointed reply. I felt my expression turn to that of surprise and I bent down to grab my own cellular device. However, as I was reaching down, my socked foot slid out from under me on her carpet and I fell forward with a shout. I felt my mouth press against something soft and warm and blushed madly when I realized that I was kissing Aska. I pushed myself off of her while trying to process the awkward situation.
"I-im so sorry!" I nearly shouted. I tried not to notice that her own face was red and she was obviously having the same reaction as me. She shook her head quickly, making me worry about her giving herself whiplash. "Its okay Grimm." She said quietly. Her voice was barely above a whisper. She stood up quickly and stretched. "Well, its time I go to bed see ya later Grimm bye!" I could barely understand her due to the fact that she was taking faster than the flash, but her shoving me down the stairs, past the dogs, and out the door got the point across.
I turned around when we reached the porch. "Se-" the door slammed closed. "E ya." I felt my self esteem deflate at that moment. First, I Getty my ads handed to me by a chick in video games, then I accidentally kiss her and lose the ability to breath, then, to top it all off, I couldn't even get her to pet my hair! I growled and kicked the dirt. "Stupid luck." I stuck my hands in my pockets and began to walk home. I guess I'd see her tomorrow.

Aska's p.o.v

I leaned against the door, my lips tingling. Aki and Sable, my dogs, nudged my side. Why couldn't I breath when he ki-fell on me? It was just an accident, right?? Its not like it meant anything......................did it??


Okay, first of I just want to say thank you to my awesome friend Kitcats36 for helping me with my first story.
Your awesome. Secondly, I'm sorry for not updating in a while. (I'm a bad person) (cries). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Oh and I'm coming out worth another story called 'When in doubt, fall in love with a psychopath.' You should read it! Arividerchi!

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