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I feel like I've been at war
With people who don't care anymore
Not even then was I sure
these people weren't who the said they were
Every time they came around
I knew something bad would be bound
My mistake
To believe them that day
When I decided to believe them I realized
There Were risks I chose to take
Multiple decisions I had to make
I'm not ashamed of what I've done
I don't want to give them the satisfaction
The feeling they won
I decided to do this on my own
Sure it'll haunt me when I'm grown
But there'd be no lesson if I said no
I learned to let go
This isn't an apology letter because I have nothing to say sorry for
Nor anyone to say sorry to
This is me telling you what I learned
The lesson to love a lot trust a few
A lesson I learned
Because I decided to trust

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