Chapter One: Entrance

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One Piece, The True Horrors Straw Hat Shall Know

Chapter One: Entrance


     Luffy's jaw was clamped tight, his fists were clenched close together, due to the seastone handcuffs that were shut around his wrists. Straw Hat Luffy's expression was serious and stern. Strange for him, he hadn't said one word.

He refused, holding his chin high to show how stubborn he was.

When he had been caught, he still had his straw hat. Though the marines had cuffed him already, he still wore it with pride. Of course, the world government was cruel to pirates, so instead of allowing him to wear that hat, they threw it into the wind.

Luffy could only hope that someone he knew and trusted would find it. Possibly his crew? Luffy's tongue swept over his own lips, cleaning up the dried blood that had previously trickled down his face. There was no doubt about it, Luffy was in horrible condition.

Cuts and bruises littered his body, blood stained his clothes and colored Luffy's body with the color of a dirty red. Purple bagged underneath Luffy's eyes, from exhaustion of the trip and the battle he had been in before getting captured. Though it pained him to walk, Luffy refused to act weak in front of any of the guards, jailers, marines or navy men. The World Government would have to kill him before he showed any bit of a large amount of weakness.

Two guards stood on either side of Luffy, gripping his arms tightly. When it came time, Luffy was stripped of his old clothes, and taken to a boiling pot. Usually, the prisoner would go in with his or her old clothing, but it seemed as if the jailers wished to cause Luffy more pain than necessary.

Once the hot water touched his skin, Luffy wanted nothing more than to let out a yelp of agony. But he remembered that he was told is deceased brother Ace had gone through without screaming or flinching. Luffy would do the same.

Luffy was pushed into the hot water, he felt his wounds burn from the heat, but he didn't seem to be in pain. Once he was finished in the water, Luffy was pulled out and then dried before ordered to put on striped black and white. The shirt was a bit big for him, but that didn't bother him.

Luffy scowled, realizing that the guards didn't give him any shoes. Last time he came here, all the other prisoners were given shoes.

  Why was this treatment given to him? He was sure that it was all to torment him. Luffy resisted the urge to sigh as his feet were cuffed together and he was shoved forward to walk. Because of the boiling water, the dried blood that had been painted along Luffy's body was gone, and what remained was scabbing cuts and purple bruises.

"Well, that was impressive Straw Hat," complimented a guard standing close to Luffy.

The Straw Hat Captain didn't respond, instead only stared in front of him.

"I'd say so. Only a few people did that..." The other guard murmured.

Were they insulting him, or praising him?

The third guard that stood directly behind Luffy grunted, "Yeah, the one's that escaped. Crocodile, Jinbe, and Portgus D. Ace...though, that last one's dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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