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Please comment if you want the story continued... I have had a lot of people say that want to know what happens after the story ends

Look the last thing I remember was going to bed last night. When I woke up this morning, I saw girl in front of me with a gun pointed at my head. Now don't get me wrong she was really pretty, but she was pointing a gun at my head.

"Okay you've been staring at me long enough.... I'm going to ask you one more time. Who are you and how did you get in my house?" She said while tightening her grip on the gun.

I raised my hands so they would be at equal height with my face. Then I started to speak, "Umm.... My name is Erik, and I have no idea how I got here. Can I ask where I am and who are you?"

"My name is Myra.... You're in Torrance Manor, my house. Get up, I can tell you're telling the truth."

Myra put away her gun in the holster while I got up. Now I got a good look at her. She had bright red hair, crystal blue eyes, a white blouse with a dark red corset over top, a short black ruffle skirt, striped leggings, and black heeled knee high boots. She looked so much fancier than I looked. I had a white t-shirt, jeans, and my hiking boots. She started walking away from me so I started following her.

"So.... Um, Myra how do you know I'm telling the truth? You don't even know who I am."

"The watch on your wrist. Apparently one of our agents picked you.. That's how I can tell," She answered my question while pointing to my wrist wondering how I didn't notice it before. The watch was gold and when you looked through the glass at a certain angle, you could see all the gears. The band of the watch was black and it felt like leather. I noticed I had stopped moving and that Myra was almost at the end of the hall. I ran down the hall just so I could catch up with her.

"Myra you just said agents. What do you mean when you say agents?" I asked when I finally caught up with her.

She stops moving down the hall then went to a picture that was on the wall. After that, she moved the picture to reveal a control panel and pressed a button. All of a sudden, a staircase appeared in the wall. She then turned to me and spoke, "Time agents, of course."

"What do you and your time agents do?" I said while tilting my head.

"The usual... Saving the day, stopping time anomalies and paradoxes, time travel."

I decided not to ask anymore questions. Myra then turned and started going up the staircase. I felt like such a lost puppy since all I had been doing since I met Myra was follow her around. As we came up the staircase, a large conference room had came into view. In this room, everything was silver and the most prominent thing in this room was the people that randomly zapped in and out of the room. Myra kept walking while completely ignoring the random people. I didn't understand how she could ignore them all but then I thought that she was more used to it than I would be. She stopped at a black wooden door and went into the room. Like I had been doing, I followed her. She sat down at the huge desk in the room and put her feet up. I sat in a chair that was across from the desk.

"Welcome to the Order of the Clock... We are an organization of time agents and our mission is to make sure timelines in any points of time are not messed up. Apparently something was going to happen to you in your timeline and one of our agents thought it would be necessary to save you," Myra says simply.

I acknowledge her comment with a nod trying to understand it all. She then brought her feet down and turned in her chair so she was facing the computer.

"Since you have one of our watches now, I need to put you in our system. What did you come from, Erik?"

"2016," I said then looked at the watch to see a number on it. "Apparently the watch's code is 1EF70R4."

Myra nodded her head and started typing. She was typing really fast and I could t even tell what she was typing. At least three to five minutes passed by with the only noise being made was the clicks of the keyboard. Finally Myra looked up.

"Ok Erik, you're in the database. Now I'm going to show you how to work your watch. First things first, the watch works like a touchscreen," she says moving towards me.

Here's how it works... If you swipe right on the glass, a clock will appear on its making it look like an actual watch. Myra said that this is for close situations that might expose us as time agents. If you swipe left, the watch will become a super computer that has all the information in the world. It also helps with time travel. To time travel, all you would have to do is put in a date, exact time, and place.

All of a sudden, an agent zapped into the room. Myra rolled her eyes while I jumped. I wondered when was I going to get used to all this random zapping.

"How many times do I have to tell you idiots? Do not zap into my office! I don't care if it's an emergency!" Myra sort of yelled as the agent handed her a brown envelope. She opened the envelope and looked over its contents. After that, she looked up at me.

"Myra what is it?" I asked trying to sound calm.

"Well Erik, looks like you got your first anomaly," she says as she hands me the envelope. "Good luck."

Myra walked out of the office as I opened the envelope. I read the piece of paper in it and was shocked on what I found.

ANN.(anomaly name)-Davis, Erik
Date- Dec. 10, 2016 Time-22:59
Place-321 Kennedy Ave. New Orleans, Louisana

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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