Secrets Reveiled

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I woke up to the shound of my alarm going off. When i opened my eyes i relized i wasnt hugging my pillow but someones shirtless body. My eyes popped open and i looked up to the face quickly to see it was Dean. I relaxed once i relized it wasent some pedo i was all over. I skillfully slipped out of bed without waking up Dean and walked into my closet to pick out some clothes for today, as i was looking thew my clothes i heard Dean mumbling in his sleep, cuirosity got the better of me and i walked back into my room to see what he had to say. not suprissingly he was mumbling my name telling my to make him food, i laughed and went back to my closet.

I thew on my J Brand skinnys and my favorite long sleeved tee and slipped my feet into my mini heel booties, i grabbed my lether jaket and my bag before waking out to my make-up table and aplyed a little pink lip gloss, and some bronze eye shadow. I dont know why but i felt like acting like a real girl today. Damn Dean is affecting me to much. I slipped in my blue rose plugs and went to wake up Dean. "Dean its time to ake up, we got to go to School" I said lightly shaking him

"C'mon five more minutes" He mumbled and barried his face in a pillow

"No Dean you need to wake up now" I say getting annoyed

"Damn you woman" Dean said sitting up in bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and streached

I couldnt help but stare as his mucles rippled over his body as he moved, i have to admit he is retty damn hot. I walked into my closet and grabbed a pair of low rise jeans and i black tee and threw them at him. "Here you can wear these" I say agusting the bag on my shoulder

"Why the hell do you have mae clothes? is there something your not telling me?" Dean says eyeing me uo and down,

"No you idiot, one of my Dad's old girlfriends had a son and i stole his clothes all the time because he smelt amazing" I shrug walking to the door. I pause when i open the door, "But you smell way better" I say with a wink and walk down to the kitchen.


The first thing i saw when we oulled into the school parking lot was Avery, when she caught sight of me in Deans care a huge smile lit up he face and she skipped, and i mean literally fucking skipped over to up. Dean got out and walked over to my side of the car oping my door to let me out. Avery stood about 3 feet in front of me with her eyes popping out of her head and her jaw on the ground. "Oh my fucking hella god! How did you get her to wear that??" Avery ask looking at me to Dean and back again

"I didnt do sht, when i woke up she looked like that" Dean said with a shrug

"Whoa whoa whoa back it up. When you woke up? Dose that mean you slept at her house?" Ave was fliping out about this and it was so funny

"Yeah Lilith was there and i didnt want to be alone" I say with a shrug

Avery immediately nodded and calmed down. She didnt know everything Lilith did to me but she did know the woman was horrid to me. We all grab our back packs and i slip my ray bands over my eyes and walk in front of my two friends earning wolf whistles and coments from guys and a few snears and glares from girls but i didnt care. I walked into that school like i owned it and when i got to Mr.M's class i tripped and stumbled causing Ave and Dean to bust out n Laughter. So much for acting cool.


Me and Dean were sitting in Bioligy making fun of the blond bimbo who was at the board trying to figure out an easy problem when Mr.Coleman called us out. "Smith, Stewart something you would like to share with the rest of the class?" Mr.C called causing everyone to look at us

Mysterious Girl {editing}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon