01. "fuck your confederacy."

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riddle me this: in my public school, how come holocaust jokes get you suspended but white boy tells me he'll bring me back to the slave days and gets off with a warning?

i swear to god, i see one more confederate flag at my school, i'm poppin off.

let's just set the scene: redneck, racist piece of shut decided to decorate his senior crown with the confederate flag and in a predominantly white school, he got away with it.


i don't give a shit about your history not when i get chills when i put white sheets on my bed because some white supremacist's kid decided it was okay to joke about the kkk and call me a nigger. i don't give a shit about your history when you're a racist bastard and i won't give a shit about your goddamn history when you think it's okay to spew about your hatred of people loaded in melanin, when my hands turn to fists and my mind turns to mush and you push me off that goddamn avalanche where i immerse and your blood is on my hands.

i don't wanna be the monster your grandparents once thought i was in the days of lynches and genocide but i will be. the tears you'll shed because of my words are nothing on the pain in my chest when another one of our black children are killed for no other reason besides their pigmentation. your privileged tears have nothing on the bloodshed so no, i don't give a fuck about your freedom of speech or your right to bear arms or your "they thought that wallet was a weapon" bullshit because there was three of them and one black boy on that street that day. there were three of them "fearing for their lives" so they put seventeen shots in that boy's back as he ran for his life.

there were three of them when he was clawing at your hands, trying to breathe.

there was a jury of them and as soon as his lips formed to voice the "not guilty", there was a riot in my soul.

and i know...

i know it's not all of you. i know you already feel guilt, i know but i hurt too and i dust myself off. i know that words hurt and i knew it when your brother, skin white as the teeth that grit in the abyss that is my mouth, my tongue being swallowed whole, decided to let that word spew from between his death machines.

i'm not fighting with words. i'm done fighting with words when all they do is deem me an ignorant form of black rage speaking "ebonics" and mouthing off because she has no filter. i'm done fighting with words when your words are like a noose.

i'm done with this whole "don't let them win," bullshit because i'm tired. i'm tired of learning your whitewashed history and letting your white mouth spew out the words my people reclaimed, i'm tired of hearing that i don't know the history behind your stupid ass flag when you don't.

so i swear to god, if i see another confederate flag... i don't have control over what happens past that point.

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