Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning with a horrible pain in my stomach. Well it was probably because of the bruised rib I had, so I just blew it off.

{ Later that day }

The pain was getting worse i wondered what it was. There was no way that this was just a bruised rib. I fell to the floor and screamed in agonizing pain. Scott ran down the hall because he heard me scream loud and clear. "Dude what's wrong", Scott said. I couldn't respond I just kept screaming and clutching my stomach. Scott pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911. He told them to send an ambulance to Beacon Hills High School as soon as possible.

{ At the hospital }

I woke up to the sound of the nurses voice, "Mr. Stilinski, Mr. Stilinski". "What where am I and why does my stomach hurt," I replied. "You had an ulcer in ur stomach and we had to remove it, but right now you have a visitor, mam please don't take to long he needs to rest". MAM?!?!? "Dont worry Im only staying for an hour to an hour and a half," I heard Lydia say. I was surprised she had come to see me. I haven't seen her since the big "fight". "Hi Stiles," she said grasping my hand. I tensed. "H-h-hi Lydia," I said stuttering.

"Stiles calm down you have no reason to be nervous".

How did she know I was nervous.

"Umm I'm not nervous , what are u talking about".

"Well for one the heart monitor is beeping very fast, plus your shaking".

Well maybe I was just cold.

Ok maybe I was a little nervous, but I didn't want to show it. I calmed myself down.

"Lydia umm what happened with u and Jackson?"

"Oh stiles after that fight and the way he treated you I broke up with him".

She actually cares about me.

"Oh because Lydia I was wondering as soon as I get out of this hospital bed if u wanted to go to dinner and a movie?"

"Stiles umm that sounds--", I cut her off.

"It's ok if you don't want to go just nevermind".

"No stiles that's not what I was going to say I was going to say that sounds great".

I smiled.

"Great how about Saturday, when do I want me to pick u up?"

"How about 7:00?"

"Sound good to me, ill see you Saturday," I said.

"See you Saturday", she said and walked out of the room.

I was having a party in my head. I went to reach for my phone so I could txt Scott. it hurt when I reached for it but the pain was worth it. He txted back:


From: Scott


Great. Have fun. ill come visit u at the hospital later and we will talk.



I was as happy as ever only one day until I was out of this hospital bed and sitting next to Lydia at the movies. :)

Stydia (a Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now