1~ Hospital Bound

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Disclaimer: I do not own JTK, sadly.
I'll make a cover real soon, don't worry!
Anonymous' Point of View

A young girl lays on the bed,taking in her last breaths.It won't be long, maybe about 4 months to live? Im not quite so sure myself.The girl breathed in deeply,she must know her time is coming up.The girl sat up from the hospital bed,with one mighty heave she lifted herself off the bed.Now I gotta admit it, she was pretty cute. Her salmon colored hair suited her pale skin.Her red eyes also suited her pale skin. I wonder,is she an albino? Perhaps.I watched as she gracefully walked over to the window, breathing in the woodsy air.For a hospital, we're pretty close to a forest.The girls tall frame was beautiful, it's a shame she'll die.I didn't even get to call her mine.We can always change that though.The girl walked back to the bed,hopped in and shut her red eyes. I walked out from the shadows and read the name plate on her bed. "Riley Webster" I said out loud.What a pretty name to suit a pretty girl!Im head over heals for this Riley girl, Im not scared to admit it. Well, who can blame me? The chick's smoking hot! I walked around the room, looking for more clues on this chick. A yellow folder caught my eye,I walked over to it. Written on the folder was "RILEY". Hmm, must be her documents.I opened up the folder and starting reading the loose papers.

DATE: 12/3/XX

That's interesting...to say the least.Why is she stuck here? What happened to her? So many questions flooded my mind, but I brushed them off. I quickly put the documents back into the folder. I closed the yellow folder and skipped over to Riley's hospital bed.I ran my finger against her face.Oh she was so pretty...wait.Riley's eyes fluttered open and stared straight through me.Roughly after 10 seconds, Riley let out a blood curdling shriek."Who on Earth are YOU?!GET AWAY FROM ME PSYCHO!" Riley screamed out, her screams echoing through the white hospital walls."None of your business,girly." I said nonchalantly.Riley was freaking out, a lot of freaking out actually.Oh god, she's hyperventilating! "OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME, AREN'T YOU?!" Riley screamed through breathes. I heard footsteps rushing through the hallways, the nurse must've heard Riley."Well girly, I'm off, see ya again babe!" I said cheerfully, rushing to the open window, and jumping out.

Riley's Point of View

I couldn't breathe.All I could do was sit and watch.The young man just jumped out the window, who was he?Doesn't matter.What matters is my safety, and the fact that he's been "visiting" me.The door busted open and a couple of nurses came rushing in."Are you okay ma'am? We heard your screaming and we came in as fast as we could" The blonde nurse said,"Not fast enough apparently." I responded through heavy breaths."Is anything wrong? Should I get the doctor ma'am?" Spoke the nurse with black hair, I shook my head."Just call us if you need anything ma'am!" The redhead nurse said,I nodded.I was too overwhelmed to speak to dumb nurses,look at em! Asking if I were alright,pSH! Who do they think they are, listen honey, I was screaming my lungs out.Im not okay.
It's pretty boring and short, sorry! Lets hope I make more chapters.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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