Dark One // Henry

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I walked down the path in the woods, crushing the dead leaves beneath me and smiled. I had just finished taking care of this girl who made things very complicated for me. Now she won't. What can I say? Karma's a bitch.

"(Y/N)," someone shouted behind me.

I knew that voice. It was Prince Charming, of course. David. I turned around slowly, with a small smile on my face.

"What now, David?" I asked.

David held his hands in front on him, indicating he didn't have anything to hurt me with. He took a step closer.

"(Y/N), I know this isn't you," he said.

"Oh please, a sentence doesn't explain anything. What you say are just words, not action," I argued back.

"C'mon (Y/N), don't make do anything that I don't want to."

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" I laughed and raised an eyebrow. "We both know that's not gonna happen."

"I'm not going to hurt you, just help you."

Right at that moment, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked down and saw a hook. Captain Killian Hook. With a kick to the groin, Hook let go of me and I nudged him hard in the stomach, pushing him back. Once that happened, almost everybody came out from where they were hiding. They were all defending themselves and they were all armed.

"Well, well, well," I said with a smile. "I do like a challenge."

Regina threw a fireball at me but I was quick with my reflexes. I brought up a wall to block the fireball and forced it at the direction she was in. It struck her hard, and she fell back.

"Oh, you're going to have to try harder than that," I said teasingly.

I heard they snap of a string and I turned to my right and grabbed what was flying towards me. It was an arrow. Snow White's arrow to be exact. I dropped the arrow and looked up at her. I drew my hand back, and with all of the gathered energy, I threw the dark force against her. Back she flew, and upon the trunk of a nearby tree.

As I turned my head to face my next opponent, pain seared through my left shoulder. I lightly touched my shoulder and retracted my hand back to see blood. There was a cut, no as deep but it would take a while to heal. And there stood Robin Hood with another arrow in his bow, ready to fire.

"Ooh look, it's Robin," I said sarcastically. "Was this the first time you couldn't get your target?"

I then paralyzed him and pulled him towards me. And just as I was about to grab his heart out of his chest, someone yelled.

"Stop! (Y/N), stop and look at me."

I turned my head just a bit and from the corner of my eye, I saw Henry standing with his hands out.

"Please," he said slowly. "Let him go, this isn't you. I know (Y/N), and this isn't her."

"No," my face expressionless. "This is me. This is who I am, and I can never escape this. I'm meant to be like this and there's nothing you can do about it or about me."

I looked back at Robin and pushed my hand into his chest, pulling out a pulsing heart.

"And this is what I was meant to do." I squeezed Robin's heart at first, slowly. I wanted him to feel the pain. And yell. Yell out loud until he couldn't anymore. Yell, until he couldn't breathe.

"(Y/N), listen to me!" Henry pleaded. "This isn't you. I know the real (Y/N) and this isn't what she was meant to do. Darkness took over you, and its starting to get to you... I know your somewhere in there and I can help you. But you have to fight the darkness and listen to me."

I stopped squeezing his heart. I looked up at Henry. His eyes were full of fear but yet, they still looked dominant.

"You helped me, you saved my life, and now, if you put his heart back, you can save another life and also help yourself. You've spent a lot of time helping others, and now you have to help yourself. Don't let the Darkness take over. Because the (Y/N) I know doesn't give up and the (Y/N) I know won't fall into this Darkness. Please (Y/N), we all don't want to hurt you."

I pushed back Robin's heart into his chest. I felt tears forming in my eyes, and I ran to Henry. I wrapped my arms around him and didn't let go. I felt his arms wrap around me too.

"Henry," I sobbed. "I almost killed Robin. I almost killed someone, and I would've killed you guys too. Henry..."

He rubbed circles onto my back and said, "It's alright. We're all here to help you. We won't let you fall into it's trap. I won't let you."

"Thank you, Henry," I said, sniffling. "I don't wanna hurt anyone. Especially you." And I buried my head deeper into his chest.

Henry Mills & Jared Gilmore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now