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The next morning, Alby and I went out into the maze. It wasn't the same without Ben.
Alby turned a corner and there was a griever in broad daylight. It stung Alby and then leaped away. I panicked, not knowing what to do. All of the other runners were back at the glade because it was getting late.
I pulled Alby's limp body all the way back the the glade. I was so close to the doors when they started to close. Damn, I thought. I'm going to die! I can't leave Alby and nobody has ever survived a night in the maze.
I saw Thomas at the door, he had a weird look on his face. Quickly, he ran through the doors and they closed right behind him.
"Great" I said. "Now all three of us are dead".
We tied Alby up in vines so the grievers couldn't get him. We only needed to pull the vine a little more when we heard a griever coming closer. I panicked and ran away like a fool.
Oh my gosh, I thought, Thomas is going to die. And so is Alby if he doesn't get the vine up there.
It's too late now. I climbed the vines to get to the top of the wall. I've never done this before because I was afraid of falling like Newt. Oh Newt, what if I never se you again? Tears welled up in my eyes but I ignored them. I have to get back to Newt.
I darted through the maze all night, I didn't see another griever. I did hear a lot though.
I was surprised to see Thomas later. He was back with Alby. He looked like he'd been running for hours.
"I killed a griever" he said.
"YOU WHAT?" I screamed.
"A griever chased me and then I killed it. I tricked it into falling off of a cliff." I slid down the wall in shock. I heard the metallic creak of the doors opening. Thomas and I got Alby down and dragged him towards the wall.
When the doors finally opened, the whole crowd of boys were standing out there and cheering. Everyone came up and hugged us.
"Don't hug me" I said as I put my hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Thomas is the one who saved us all. While I ran away like a coward, Thomas stayed behind to save Alby and kill a griever. The crowd mumbled in confusion.
Newt came up to me and whispered, "Map room, one hour." I winked at him and went to eat breakfast.

      Thanks for reading.
                     Love you! ;)
                              -Summer Clare

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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