Chapter 9

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I was in a dark room no lights. I could not even see my own hand. A felt something breath on my neck. I tried to run but I was tied to something. "Help" I said almost in tears. "No one can hear you little brat!"

Then a light went on and I saw her. Heather! I tried to scream but she covered my mouth. She took out a knife and just started to cut my arm. I could feel the blood drip down my arm. "Stop please" I begged.

"Stop you little rat or you will end up just like your Mom" She said with a grin on her face. I bit her hand and started to scream loud.

Then I woke up to Jake trying to wake me up. Sunny you were screaming. I looked at Jake. Look Sunny I really like you I cut him off with a kiss on the cheek he started to blush. Then we went to sleep. Well accept me I was still terrified.

What did she mean when she said You will end up just like your mom?

Wow awesome chapter!  Please leave a person for the story! Because next chapter I really need new people! So last chance!

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